Table of Contents

Actionlink Plugin

Compatible with DokuWiki

Anteater, Rincewind, Angua, Adora Belle, Weatherwax, Binky, Ponder Stibbons, Hrun, Detritus, Elenor of Tsort, Frusterick Manners

plugin This plugin lets you use actionlinks in your wiki syntax. It's based on the DokuWiki's core function tpl_actionlink().

Last updated on

This extension has not been updated in over 2 years. It may no longer be maintained or supported and may have compatibility issues.

Tagged with actions, links

Not compatible with PHP 8.1
Error message:
2023-03-24 06:34:37dokuwiki\Exception\FatalException: Array and string offset access syntax with curly braces is no longer supported
Workaround: Use Links to DokuWiki commands instead.

:!: When building actionlinks for 'admin', 'login' etc. don't forget ~~NOCACHE~~


Basic syntax:


Where action can be one of this (after inc/template.php):

(Of course, for these last commands to work, those plugins should be installed.)

The title element is optional. It lets you specify a custom string to be used instead of the default 'Edit this page', 'Old revisions', 'Recent changes', etc.


For example, syntax like this:

You can easily {{actionlink>edit|customise}} this page.

Will produce an output like this: 'You can easily customise this page', where 'customise' is a link to the 'Edit page' page.

Syntax like this:


Will simply create a 'Edit this page' link.


Search and install the plugin using the Extension Manager. Refer to Plugins on how to install plugins manually.

Sources: plugin-actionlink-2005-05-26.tar.gz(2kb) |

To install manually: create a folder actionlink in lib/plugins and put the code below in syntax.php. The last version see here:

 * Action link plugin. Lets you use action links in your wiki syntax.
 * Based on the core function - tpl_actionlink().
 * @license    GPL 2 (
 * @author Andreas Gohr <>
 * @author Matthias Grimm <>
 * @author nowotny <>
if(!defined('DOKU_INC')) define('DOKU_INC',realpath(dirname(__FILE__).'/../../').'/');
if(!defined('DOKU_PLUGIN')) define('DOKU_PLUGIN',DOKU_INC.'lib/plugins/');
class syntax_plugin_actionlink extends DokuWiki_Syntax_Plugin {
    function getInfo(){
        return array(
            'author' => 'nowotny',
            'email'  => '',
            'date'   => '2006-05-26',
            'name'   => 'Actionlink plugin',
            'desc'   => 'Actionlink plugin lets you use action links in your wiki syntax.
            			Basic syntax: {{actionlink>action|title}}',
            'url'    => '',
    function getType(){
        return 'substition';
    function getSort(){
        return 306;
    function connectTo($mode) {
    function handle($match, $state, $pos, &$handler){
		$match = substr($match,13, -2);
		$matches=explode('|', $match, 2);
		return array('action'=>hsc($matches[0]),'title'=>hsc($matches[1]));
    function render($mode, &$renderer, $data){
	if($mode == 'xhtml'){
		if(!empty($data['action'])) $action=$data['action'];
		else $action='';
		if(!empty($data['title'])) $title=$data['title'];
		global $ID;
		global $INFO;
		global $REV;
		global $ACT;
		global $conf;
		global $lang;
		global $auth;
			case 'edit':
				#most complicated type - we need to decide on current action
				if($ACT == 'show' || $ACT == 'search'){
					if(!isset($title)) $title=$lang['btn_edit'];
					$renderer->doc .=$this->tpll_link(wl($ID,'do=edit&amp;rev='.$REV),
						'class="action edit" accesskey="e" rel="nofollow"');
					if(!isset($title)) $title=$lang['btn_create'];
					$renderer->doc .=$this->tpll_link(wl($ID,'do=edit&amp;rev='.$REV),
						'class="action create" accesskey="e" rel="nofollow"');
					if(!isset($title)) $title=$lang['btn_source'];
					$renderer->doc .=$this->tpll_link(wl($ID,'do=edit&amp;rev='.$REV),
						'class="action source" accesskey="v" rel="nofollow"');
					if(!isset($title)) $title=$lang['btn_show'];
					$renderer->doc .=$this->tpll_link(wl($ID,'do=show'),
						'class="action show" accesskey="v" rel="nofollow"');
				return true;
			case 'history':
				if(!isset($title)) $title=$lang['btn_revs'];
				$renderer->doc .=$this->tpll_link(wl($ID,'do=revisions'),$title,'class="action revisions" accesskey="o"');
				return true;
			case 'recent':
				if(!isset($title)) $title=$lang['btn_recent'];
				$renderer->doc .=$this->tpll_link(wl($ID,'do=recent'),$title,'class="action recent" accesskey="r"');
				return true;
			case 'index':
				if(!isset($title)) $title=$lang['btn_index'];
				$renderer->doc .=$this->tpll_link(wl($ID,'do=index'),$title,'class="action index" accesskey="x"');
				return true;
			case 'top':
				if(!isset($title)) $title=$lang['btn_top'];
				$renderer->doc .= '<a href="#dokuwiki__top" class="action top" accesskey="x">'.$title.'</a>';
				return true;
			case 'back':
				if ($ID = tpl_getparent($ID)) {
					if(!isset($title)) $title=$lang['btn_back'];
					$renderer->doc .=$this->tpll_link(wl($ID,'do=show'),$title,'class="action back" accesskey="b"');
					return true;
				return false;
			case 'login':
					if(!isset($title)) $title=$lang['btn_logout'];
					$renderer->doc .=$this->tpll_link(wl($ID,'do=logout'),$title,'class="action logout"');
					if(!isset($title)) $title=$lang['btn_login'];
					$renderer->doc .=$this->tpll_link(wl($ID,'do=login'),$title,'class="action logout"');
					return true;
				return false;
			case 'admin':
				if($INFO['perm'] == AUTH_ADMIN){
					if(!isset($title)) $title=$lang['btn_admin'];
					$renderer->doc .=$this->tpll_link(wl($ID,'do=admin'),$title,'class="action admin"');
					return true;
				return false;			
			case 'backlink':
				if(!isset($title)) $title=$lang['btn_backlink'];
				$renderer->doc .=$this->tpll_link(wl($ID,'do=backlink'),$title, 'class="action backlink"');
				return true;			
				if(!isset($title)) $title='';
				$renderer->doc .= $title;
				return true;
        return false;
	function tpll_link($url,$name,$more=''){
		$link='<a href="'.$url.'" ';
		if ($more) $link.=' '.$more;
		return $link;
//Setup VIM: ex: et ts=4 enc=utf-8 :

extended version with some plugins:

 * Action link plugin. Lets you use action links in your wiki syntax.
 * Based on the core function - tpl_actionlink().
 * @license    GPL 2 (
 * @author Andreas Gohr <>
 * @author Matthias Grimm <>
 * @author nowotny <>
if(!defined('DOKU_INC')) define('DOKU_INC',realpath(dirname(__FILE__).'/../../').'/');
if(!defined('DOKU_PLUGIN')) define('DOKU_PLUGIN',DOKU_INC.'lib/plugins/');
require_once(DOKU_INC.'inc/template.php'); //mod
class syntax_plugin_actionlink extends DokuWiki_Syntax_Plugin {
    function getInfo(){
        return array(
            'author' => 'nowotny',
            'email'  => '',
            'date'   => '2006-05-26',
            'name'   => 'Actionlink plugin',
            'desc'   => 'Actionlink plugin lets you use action links in your wiki syntax.
            			Basic syntax: {{actionlink>action|title}}',
            'url'    => '',
    function getType(){
        return 'substition';
    function getSort(){
        return 306;
    function connectTo($mode) {
    function handle($match, $state, $pos, &$handler){
		$match = substr($match,13, -2);
		$matches=explode('|', $match, 2);
		return array('action'=>hsc($matches[0]),'title'=>hsc($matches[1]));
    function render($mode, &$renderer, $data){
	if($mode == 'xhtml'){
		if(!empty($data['action'])) $action=$data['action'];
		else $action='';
		if(!empty($data['title'])) $title=$data['title'];
		global $ID;
		global $INFO;
		global $REV;
		global $ACT;
		global $conf;
		global $lang;
		global $auth;
			case 'edit':
				#most complicated type - we need to decide on current action
				if($ACT == 'show' || $ACT == 'search'){
					if(!isset($title)) $title=$lang['btn_edit'];
					$renderer->doc .=$this->tpll_link(wl($ID,'do=edit&amp;rev='.$REV),
						'class="action edit" accesskey="e" rel="nofollow"');
					if(!isset($title)) $title=$lang['btn_create'];
					$renderer->doc .=$this->tpll_link(wl($ID,'do=edit&amp;rev='.$REV),
						'class="action create" accesskey="e" rel="nofollow"');
					if(!isset($title)) $title=$lang['btn_source'];
					$renderer->doc .=$this->tpll_link(wl($ID,'do=edit&amp;rev='.$REV),
						'class="action source" accesskey="v" rel="nofollow"');
					if(!isset($title)) $title=$lang['btn_show'];
					$renderer->doc .=$this->tpll_link(wl($ID,'do=show'),
						'class="action show" accesskey="v" rel="nofollow"');
				return true;
			case 'history':
				if(!isset($title)) $title=$lang['btn_revs'];
				$renderer->doc .=$this->tpll_link(wl($ID,'do=revisions'),$title,'class="action revisions" accesskey="o"');
				return true;
			case 'recent':
				if(!isset($title)) $title=$lang['btn_recent'];
				$renderer->doc .=$this->tpll_link(wl($ID,'do=recent'),$title,'class="action recent" accesskey="r"');
				return true;
			case 'index':
				if(!isset($title)) $title=$lang['btn_index'];
				$renderer->doc .=$this->tpll_link(wl($ID,'do=index'),$title,'class="action index" accesskey="x"');
				return true;
			case 'top':
				if(!isset($title)) $title=$lang['btn_top'];
				$renderer->doc .= '<a href="#dokuwiki__top" class="action top" accesskey="x">'.$title.'</a>';
				return true;
			case 'back':
				if ($ID = tpl_getparent($ID)) {
					if(!isset($title)) $title=$lang['btn_back'];
					$renderer->doc .=$this->tpll_link(wl($ID,'do=show'),$title,'class="action back" accesskey="b"');
					return true;
				return false;
			case 'login':
					if(!isset($title)) $title=$lang['btn_logout'];
					$renderer->doc .=$this->tpll_link(wl($ID,'do=logout'),$title,'class="action logout"');
					if(!isset($title)) $title=$lang['btn_login'];
					$renderer->doc .=$this->tpll_link(wl($ID,'do=login'),$title,'class="action logout"');
					return true;
				return false;
			case 'admin':
				if($INFO['perm'] == AUTH_ADMIN){
					if(!isset($title)) $title=$lang['btn_admin'];
					$renderer->doc .=$this->tpll_link(wl($ID,'do=admin'),$title,'class="action admin"');
					return true;
				return false;			
			case 'backlink':
				if(!isset($title)) $title=$lang['btn_backlink'];
				$renderer->doc .=$this->tpll_link(wl($ID,'do=backlink'),$title, 'class="action backlink"');
				return true;
            case 'purge': // {{actionlink>purge|Purge}}
                if(!isset($title)) $title=$lang['btn_purge'];
                $renderer->doc .=$this->tpll_link(wl($ID,'purge=true'),$title, 'class="action purge"');
                return true;
			case 'subscribe': //mod
				if(!isset($title)) $title=$lang['btn_subscribe'];
				$renderer->doc .=$this->tpll_link(wl($ID, array("do"=>"subscribe"), false, "&"),$title,'class="action subscribe"');
				return true;
			case 'addtobook': //mod
				if(!isset($title)) $title=$lang['btn_addtobook'];
				$renderer->doc .=$this->tpll_link(wl($ID, array("do"=>"addtobook"), false, "&"),$title,'class="action addtobook"');
				return true;
			case 'cite': //mod
				if(!isset($title)) $title=$lang['btn_cite'];
				$renderer->doc .=$this->tpll_link(wl($ID, array("do"=>"cite"), false, "&"),$title,'class="action cite"');
				return true;				
			case 'infomail': //mod
				if(!isset($title)) $title=$lang['btn_infomail'];
				$renderer->doc .=$this->tpll_link(wl($ID, array("do"=>"infomail"), false, "&"),$title,'class="action infomail"');
				return true;
			case 'export_odt': //mod
				if(!isset($title)) $title=$lang['btn_export_odt'];
				$renderer->doc .=$this->tpll_link(wl($ID, array("do"=>"export_odt"), false, "&"),$title,'class="action export_odt"');
				return true;			
			case 'export_pdf': //mod
				if(!isset($title)) $title=$lang['btn_export_pdf'];
				$renderer->doc .=$this->tpll_link(wl($ID, array("do"=>"export_pdf"), false, "&"),$title,'class="action export_pdf"');
				return true;				
				if(!isset($title)) $title='';
				$renderer->doc .= $title;
				return true;
        return false;
	function tpll_link($url,$name,$more=''){
		$link='<a href="'.$url.'" ';
		if ($more) $link.=' '.$more;
		return $link;
//Setup VIM: ex: et ts=4 enc=utf-8 :


This is my first DokuWiki plugin ever, so please, be gentle ;-)nowotny 2006-05-26

Wouldn't it be easier to call tpl_actionlink and capture the output?
$renderer->doc .= ob_get_clean();

Christopher Smith 2006-05-26 15:54

Probably… but you wouldn't be able to change the 'title'(caption…? whatever you call it… :-) ). — nowotny 2006-05-26 19:17
Fair enough. There are a couple of ways you could do it, but point taken. :-)Christopher Smith 2006-05-28 14:28

You can (now? or always possible?) set the linktext via the tpl_actionlink-function. Exchange the following code with the original render-function an you benefit to all changes in the tpl_actionlink function

function render($mode, &$renderer, $data)
  if($mode == 'xhtml')
    if(!empty($data['title'])) $title=$data['title'];
      if(!isset($title)) $title='';
      $renderer->doc .= $title;
      return true;
      $renderer->doc .= ob_get_clean();
      $renderer->doc .= ob_get_clean();
    return true;
  return false;

Silbär 2008-05-06 15:34

I'm new to all this, but what would the syntax be when changing the tpl_actionlink function code? — Randy 2008-12-14
The feed.php page returns a missing function error unless inc/template.php is included at the top of the plugin code, otherwise, great little plugin. Thanks!

sunny 2006-08-17

Not sure if this plugin is still maintained but is it possible to add a manual link to the search function in this plugin too?


to add purge, I put following in front of the “default:” fallback:

                        case 'purge':
                                if(!isset($title)) $title=$lang['btn_purge'];
                                $renderer->doc .=$this->tpll_link(wl($ID,'purge=true'),$title, 'class="action purge"');
                                return true;

Hella 2006-10-26

Problem with recent changes

I got a small problem with actionlink>recent (with httaccess rewrite) : it keeps the current page in the URL, resulting in a partial recent changes (it is limited to the current namespace). E.g. on the page, {{actionlink>recent}} points to, which show recent changes only for the namespace namespace. This also cause the actionlink>index to unwrap the current namespace, but this is less of a problem.
– Fousage

Will this become fixed? Dakkar

This situation happens to me as well. I don't want to change the code, but do you have any solution for this? Something like this would be great: {{actionlink>:recent|Recent Changes}} in this way, we could use the actions for the namespaces. – Luis Nabais
Is there any way to implement subscription link with this plugin?. Thanks.
Manuel Munoz

Insert this code into the function “render” :

case 'subscribe':
  if(!isset($title)) $title=$lang['btn_subscribe'];
  $renderer->doc .=$this->tpll_link(wl($ID, array("do"=>"subscribe"), false, "&"),$title,'class="action subscribe"');
  return true;



When building actionlinks for 'admin', 'login' etc. dont forget


otherwise (ha!) the page will be cached with authentication infos of the last user editing the page.

Maybe other actions depend on not being cached too…