Renders BPMN or DMN xml using the toolkit
Compatible with DokuWiki
Similar to bpmnioeditor, rigrr
The plugin has no external dependencies. It comes bundled with a minimized version of the javascript libraries.
Search and install the plugin using the Extension Manager. Refer to Plugins on how to install plugins manually.
A desktop application “Camunda Modeler” can be downloaded for free in order to create BPMN or DMN diagrams.
Basic syntax:
<bpmnio type="bpmn"> BPMN XML goes here.... </bpmnio>
Answer: Unfortunately, no. Bpmnio renders all diagrams on the client-side (in your browser) using Javascript. The DW2PDF Plugin creates PDFs on the server-side, where Javascript, and thus bpmnio, is unavailable. So any server-side export like that will contain the raw XML code, not the rendered diagrams.
You can however export a PDF with the rendered diagrams from your browser by “printing to PDF.” This functionality is built in on OS X and Linux (look for “file” and “PDF” options in your print dialog), and you can add third-party “PDF printer” software to Windows.
Please refer to the issue tracker for reporting issues.