Compatible with DokuWiki
Angua, Binky
This extension has not been updated in over 2 years. It may no longer be maintained or supported and may have compatibility issues.
Similar to lightbox, lightboxv2
The colorbox plugin uses ColorBox to provide a jQuery lightbox. ColorBox supports photos, grouping, slideshow, ajax, inline, and iframed content.
External requirements: This plugin requires the following additional components that must be installed separately:
A colorbox to open the Colorbox site:
The file linkColorbox.js is a specific example implementation of Colorbox using an iframe content. Look at the downloaded ColorBox examples for various implementations.
The example can be seen at Plugin Examples Site
Basic syntax:
The colorbox parameters are
The default colorbox.css has the backgound set to white.Ichanged the following in the colorbox.css to get a black background
I can't use the <colorbox></colorbox>. Everytime i try to use it it put's the text between the two colorboxed on that position. how can i make it work? do i have to add a script to the linkColorbox.js first? Or is it restricted to specific browsers?
If i click on “upgrade” button in plugin manager, this will get reinstalled, but stays listed as “upgradeable”. Dokuwiki still thinks that there is upgrade available even when it's the same old version.