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farmsync Plugin

Compatible with DokuWiki

Elenor of Tsort, !Detritus, !Hrun, !Ponder Stibbons

plugin Update your Animals with pages, namespace templates, media and struct schemas from other animals

Last updated on

This extension has not been updated in over 2 years. It may no longer be maintained or supported and may have compatibility issues.

Tagged with farm


Search and install the plugin using the Extension Manager. Refer to Plugins on how to install plugins manually.


The Plugin can only be used in the farmer-wiki and by administrators.

The page in the administration menu has three sections:

  1. Source: Choose the animal from where to copy the content
  2. Content: Here you can choose what to synchronize:
    1. Pages and Templates: You have three options to select the pages and templates to copy:
      • sync the specific page, e.g. :name:space:page
      • sync a namespace and all pages directly inside that namespace, e.g.: :name:space:*
      • sync a namespace and all pages in that namespace and in subnamespaces, e.g.: :name:space:**
    2. Mediafiles: the option to specify these files are the same as above
    3. Struct schemas and assignments, but not (yet) the data
      • If you have the struct plugin installed and activated in the farmer, then you can select here from which schemas to replace the schema definition and assignments at the animal.
      • The Import-functionality of the struct plugin is used for this and the respective restriction and caveats apply. Basically the existing schema definitions are overwritten.
  3. Targets: In the last section you can select to which animals to copy the data.
