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Facebook Social plugin (fbsp)

Compatible with DokuWiki

No compatibility info given!

plugin Simple Facebook Social Plugin functionality including like and comments box

Last updated on

This extension has not been updated in over 2 years. It may no longer be maintained or supported and may have compatibility issues.

Similar to facebook, facebooklike, fbcomments

Tagged with facebook, like, social

Site & documentation:

Download and Installation

Search and install the plugin using the Extension Manager. Refer to Plugins on how to install plugins manually.

Syntax and Usage

Once plugin is installed


creates a Facebook like button.


creates a Facebook comment box.

More information about Facebook plugins.


This is my first plugin built to deliver required functionality at short notice, user beware.


multilingual suggestion

I would like it to match a browser interface's language (or, better, the wiki user's choice language). I see it's a matter of substituting the string



in syntax.php where wiki user's <langcode> is to be detected by the script, but I lack the skill to do that. Thanks.

Great idea but I do not run any multilingual sites so currently cannot expend time developing or testing this.
Ok, thank you. Maybe someday I'll learn to do it and share, to contribute to your plugin. Bye.

Sorry, maybe I ask you a silly question, but

Thanks for taking the time to put this one together and for sharing! The Like button works like a charm but commets box does not want to load. I get the FB loader icon but the comment box never gets past this stage. Any idea why this may be?

It would be awesome if there was a screen shot on this page. Dunno if Dokuwiki lets you upload those though.

I get an error that it requires a facebook app id. Can't find anywhere to put that into Docuwiki. Maybe it's hard coded, but I don't have the patients to take a look today.

You need to set the Facebook ID within the fblike.php and fbcomment.php