Autosuggestion for links in texteditor

Compatible with DokuWiki
Search and install the plugin using the Extension Manager. Refer to Plugins on how to install plugins manually.
Simply type [[:
into the text editor and you will see a list with suggestions. Hit Enter and it will be applied.
What is supported:
If following Namespaces are available
and user is on page ns:page
Possible links to ns:ns1:page1
(explicite absolute)[[.:ns1:page1]]
(explicite relative)[[..:ns:ns1:page1]]
(relative, with backlink)Please create them as a GitHub Issue.
How to trigger autocomplete after hitting enter to applying a namespace?
Just hit STRG
and the search will begin.
There is currently an issue with using this plugin at the same time as the fastwiki plugin that multiple users have reported here.