
No Details XHTML Renderer Plugin

Compatible with DokuWiki

Binky, Elenor Of Tsort+

plugin Replacement renderer for XHTML for non-Wiki Environments

Last updated on

Tagged with images, links, media

Download and Installation

Search and install the plugin using the Extension Manager. Refer to Plugins on how to install plugins manually.

For detailed information and download instructions see the home page. FIXME

No details XHTML

The renderer plugin makes use of the original XHTML output renderer and only overrides two functions. The first one is the linking of images. In a non-wiki environment, if you use DokuWiki as a CMS, you might not want to have links on each and every image. By default they have detail links. It's not really a good approach to to tell each and every image, to not have a link using DokuWiki syntax. This plugin will take care of it and removes those links.

Second is the link-name behavior. DokuWiki uses names for images - if you want that - by wiki syntax. Internal links only have the link-name (e.g. :wiki:syntax) as their title. In a CMS or homepage environment (such as this company web site) it is better to have meaningful titles for links. This renderer plugin uses the first heading of the linked page as the title for a link. FIXME

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