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OrphansWanted Plugin

Compatible with DokuWiki

  • 2024-02-06 "Kaos" yes
  • 2023-04-04 "Jack Jackrum" yes
  • 2022-07-31 "Igor" unknown
  • 2020-07-29 "Hogfather" unknown

plugin Find Orphan pages, Wanted pages with reference counts. Also shows reference counts for linked pages (previous authors: Doug Edmunds)

Last updated on

Originally by Doug Edmunds.


Use this plugin to find orphan pages and wanted pages.

OrphansWanted show which pages are:

Each table shows the reference count and a link to backlinks.


Basic usage is to place one of the following four lines into the page markup:

 ~~ORPHANSWANTED:all~~      << makes all three tables 

Anything other than these 4 words will generate a syntax error message.

Enhanced usage excludes some namespaces, each prefixed with an exclamation point '!' (think 'not')


Example – exclude one namespace:
Shows wanted pages, but none that are under the wiki: namespace


Example – exclude multiple namespaces:
Shows orphan pages, but none in the wiki: or in the sys:personal: namespaces



:!: Please check GitHub for most recent version; and please comment on the GitHub version using GitHub 'issues' mechanism. Comments and issues below apply to the code included on the page below.



Feature Requests

Discussion and Bugs

Please raise bugs and requests for enhancements in GitHub. This page is not routinely monitored, so comments here may languish forever.


Only tested on Jack Jackrum but should work on Igor. — jaller 2023-05-30 19:37

Tried to make it work on Hogfather and everything looks OK. — Fiisch 2023-11-03 15:15


I've had this installed before, and didn't have this appear, but after changing permissions to get the plugin to work in a different installment, I'm noticing all of this:

  1. – Checking law:intro
  2. — link='law:intro' MISS A_LINK
  3. - New count for link law:intro: 25
  1. – Checking law:help
  2. — link='law:help' EXISTS A_LINK
  3. - New count for link law:help: 26

Is there any way to prevent this from appearing? -Kendra

Yes - turn off debugging mode. You're seeing these messages because you have the global config item 'allowdebug' checked in the config manager (in the back-end, set to 1 or some other value which PHP will evaluate as true).