Compatible with DokuWiki
Install the plugin using the Plugin Manager and the download URL above, which points to latest version of the plugin. Refer to Plugins on how to install plugins manually.
Activate a print button (slider) which is shown at the bottom right of the screen. You can configure the templates which are the display and can be chosen in order to generate a PDF.
Use the <pdf>
-Tag in a document to create an inline button. Pressing this button will generate a PDF with the defined template. Syntax:
<pdf template-name> <pdf template-name quer>
The option quer
creates the PDF in landscape orientation (German word “quer” = horizontal)
Standard parameters for the created PDF are
is used)<etikett>
Inserts an image which is meant for printed documents, where a sticker is to be pasted on.
If you have the wrap-plugin installed, you can use these addition classes:
<WRAP maxtabelle> Table ist set to 100% width = same as tablewidth-option | Content | Another content | </WRAP> <WRAP formular> Table without borders | Example | Okay | </WRAP> <WRAP formular2> Table with border only on the bottom of the lines | Another example | Test | </WRAP>
<WRAP platz> Increases the padding of cells in a table | Test | | Test | </WRAP>
<wrap bigtext>Text scaled to 115%</wrap> <wrap smalltext>Text scaled to 90%</wrap>
Vertical space
| <abstand1> | Test | | <abstand2> | Test | | <abstand3> | Test |
Horizontal space
| Test | <quer1> | <quer2> | <quer3> |
The pdftools-plugin contains a set of templates which can be installed in the admin section. These templates contain additional replacements:
@AUTHOR@ - Name of the author @COMPANY@ - Name of the company which can be configured @APPROVER@ - Name of the approve (requires Approve- und ApprovePlus-Plugin)
Upload form for uploading your own pdf-templates.
The template files must be placed in a directory, which must bei included in the zip-file. The files are extracted directly into the dw2pdf/tpl
directory. This feature depends on the Linux unzip
programme to work.
Button to delete templates from dw2pdf.
-Tag and the sliderTested with
I will be thankful for any approvement suggestions or translations in form of pull-requests.