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Struct: Medium complex sample

This small guide is intended to facilitate the work with struct and to provide a small insight into its possibilities. We create multiple schemas and assign namespaces to them. We use lookups and create new entries with Bureaucracy. In the end, we will build a small database of systems, their suppliers, and the ability to track maintenance. It is a step by step guide.


Struct sample

Step 1 - Initial thoughts

What do we want to achieve? We would like to create pages on which our equipment will be presented. There the most important data of the system should be clearly presented. In addition, contact data for problem cases should be visible. In addition, we would like to document the maintenance of the systems. Everything should look similar for each system and be realizable with little effort.

What do we need? Struct is a database, to keep the effort low later we can keep data relational. In databases tables are used, this is not different with struct. They are called schema and hold this data. That's why it is also important to think about the structure of the data among each other before starting.

In the assumed case, reused data (master data) should be the following:

In addition, we want to document the maintenance:

Last but not least, we want to document our systems:

Step 2 - Schema creation

We create the required schemas. We go to the admin page and follow the link “Struct Schema Editor”.

Schema: systemtype

Under “Create new Schema” we enter the name of the new schema at “Schema Name:”, in this case systemtype. Our scheme system type is the simplest scheme, we have only one text field.

Fields (Configuration - only not default is mentioned): Select first the Type of the field.

Schema: systemtype
Sort Field Name Multi-Input? Configuration Type Enabled
10 type false label: System Type Text true

For the moment, thats all. Click “Save”. We have now created our first schema, only one field, but created.

Schema: systemsupplier

We now create the systemsupplier schema according to the same principle:

Fields (Configuration - only not default is mentioned): Select first the Type of the field. Click “Save” after each Field, you get a new sort-number and a new row.

Schema: systemsupplier
Sort Field Name Multi-Input? Configuration Type Enabled
10 name false label: Name Text true
20 main contact false label: Contact Text true
30 email false label: Email Mail true
40 phone false label: Phone Text true
Schema: systemsupplier

Schema: system

A more complex scheme is system. Here we have lookup fields that refer to the previously created schemas. Here are the steps for the first three fields:

  1. type, Type: Lookup, label: Type, schema: systemtype, field: type
  2. supplier, Type: Lookup, label: Supplier, schema: systemsupplier, field: name
  3. construction year, Type: Date, label: Construction Year, pastonly: true
  4. and so on

Fields (Configuration - only not default is mentioned): Select first the Type of the field. Click “Save” after each Field, you get a new sort-number and a new row.

Schema: system
Sort Field Name Multi-Input? Configuration Type Enabled
10 type false label: Type, schema: systemtype, field: type Lookup true
20 supplier false label: Supplier, schema: systemsupplier, field: name Lookup true
30 construction year false label: Construction Year, pastonly: true Date true
40 machine number false label: Machine number Text true
50 internal number false label: Internal number Text true
60 image false label: Image, width: 100, height: emty Media true
70 description false label: Description Long Text true
80 related systems true label: Related systems, usetitles: true Page true

For fully working you need one field for maintenance:

For all fields please download the json.

Schema: maintenance

The schema maintenance also contains a lookup, namely to the mentioned internal number.

Fields (Configuration - only not default is mentioned): Select first the Type of the field. Click “Save” after each Field, you get a new sort-number and a new row.

Schema: maintenance
Sort Field Name Multi-Input? Configuration Type Enabled
10 system false label: System, schema: system, field: internal number Lookup true
20 type false label: Type, values: “Maintenance, Repair, Other” Dropdown true
30 description false label: Description LongText true
40 comment false label: Comment LongText true
50 date false label: Date Date true
60 user false label: User, existingonly: false User true
Schema: maintenance

Since creating a scheme is a lot of work and the principle should be clear now, here are the schemes for easy download.

Assign the main scheme

It is time to assign our main schema to the namespaces where it should be active. Go to the admin page and follow the link “Struct Schema Assignments”.

On the page “Schema Assignments”:

Click the “Add” Button.

For the namespace infrastructure:systems we have connected the schema system for all pages (first *) and all subnamespaces (second *) and their pages.

Step 3 - Simple Lookup

Now you need to enter data into the schemas. To do this, it is a good idea to create a page where you maintain the "master data". In our example these are the systemsupplier and the systemtype. We create a “Settings” page with the following content:

====== Settings for Systems ======
===== System Types =====
---- struct global ----
schema: systemtype
===== System Suppliers =====
---- struct global ----
schema: systemsupplier

The page gives us the possibility to fill the created schemas for the suppliers and system types.

Settings Page

We should now enter some data, whatever it is. It is enough for understanding, and nothing is for eternity.

Settings Page

Step 4 - Create a System

Our namespace for systems are infrastructure:systems. We create a page called like a system, e.g. srv01. If we have done everything correctly, an input mask will appear below the editor where we can store data. Actually, a headline and the filled-in data is enough to generate a fully-fledged page. However, we want to try further possibilities.

Fill the page with following:

====== Server 01 ======
===== Supplier Contact: =====
---- struct list ----
schema: systemsupplier
cols: main contact, email, phone
header: "Name: ", "- Mail: "," - Phone: "
sepbyheaders: yes
filter: name = $STRUCT.system.supplier$
===== Maintenance =====
---- struct table----
cols: date,type,description,comment,user
schema: maintenance
filter   : system = $STRUCT.system.internal number$ 
sort: ^date 
csv: 0
===== Add Maintenance =====
action struct_lookup	
struct_field "" =%Y-%m-%d
struct_field "maintenance.type"
struct_field "maintenance.description" 
struct_field "maintenance.comment" !
struct_field "maintenance.user"
struct_fieldhidden "maintenance.system" "=[""@FORMPAGE_ID@"",0]"
submit "Add Enty"
thanks "Please reload the Page!"

Supplier Contact:

We use the struct List.

---- struct list ----
schema: systemsupplier
cols: main contact, email, phone
header: "Name: ", "- Mail: "," - Phone: "
sepbyheaders: yes
filter: name = $STRUCT.system.supplier$

The result is a one-liner:


We use the struct Table.

---- struct table----
cols: date,type,description,comment,user
schema: maintenance
filter   : system = $STRUCT.system.internal number$ 
sort: ^date 
csv: 0

As a result, we get a table with all the maintenance entered for the system.

Add Maintenance

We use now the Bureaucracy Integration.

===== Add Maintenance =====

action struct_lookup	
struct_field "" =%Y-%m-%d
struct_field "maintenance.type"
struct_field "maintenance.description" 
struct_field "maintenance.comment" !
struct_field "maintenance.user"
struct_fieldhidden "maintenance.system" "=[""@FORMPAGE_ID@"",0]"
submit "Add Enty"
thanks "Please reload the Page!"

For completness: it is also possible to work simply with serial data. This way is described here.

Re-useable Code

Each page in the assigned namespace can contain the same text, just with a different title. Here a _template.txt for Namespace Templates offers itself.

What we get

System Page

Sample Schemas

Save the json local, create the schema (systemtype, systemsupplier, maintenance, system) and then go to Import/Export and Import a Schema from JSON. Select the file you have downloaded for the selected Schema.

Schema: Import
    "structversion": "2021-08-11",
    "schema": "systemtype",
    "id": "41",
    "user": "admin",
    "config": {
        "allowed editors": "",
        "label": {
            "en": ""
    "columns": [
            "colref": 1,
            "ismulti": false,
            "isenabled": true,
            "sort": 10,
            "label": "type",
            "class": "Text",
            "config": {
                "visibility": {
                    "inpage": true,
                    "ineditor": true
                "prefix": "",
                "postfix": "",
                "label": {
                    "en": "System Type"
                "hint": {
                    "en": ""
    "structversion": "2021-08-11",
    "schema": "systemsupplier",
    "id": "40",
    "user": "admin",
    "config": {
        "allowed editors": "",
        "label": {
            "en": "System Supplier"
    "columns": [
            "colref": 1,
            "ismulti": false,
            "isenabled": true,
            "sort": 10,
            "label": "name",
            "class": "Text",
            "config": {
                "visibility": {
                    "inpage": true,
                    "ineditor": true
                "prefix": "",
                "postfix": "",
                "label": {
                    "en": "Name"
                "hint": {
                    "en": ""
            "colref": 2,
            "ismulti": false,
            "isenabled": true,
            "sort": 20,
            "label": "main contact",
            "class": "Text",
            "config": {
                "visibility": {
                    "inpage": true,
                    "ineditor": true
                "prefix": "",
                "postfix": "",
                "label": {
                    "en": "Contact"
                "hint": {
                    "en": ""
            "colref": 3,
            "ismulti": false,
            "isenabled": true,
            "sort": 30,
            "label": "email",
            "class": "Mail",
            "config": {
                "visibility": {
                    "inpage": true,
                    "ineditor": true
                "prefix": "",
                "postfix": "",
                "label": {
                    "en": "Email"
                "hint": {
                    "en": ""
            "colref": 4,
            "ismulti": false,
            "isenabled": true,
            "sort": 40,
            "label": "phone",
            "class": "Text",
            "config": {
                "visibility": {
                    "inpage": true,
                    "ineditor": true
                "prefix": "",
                "postfix": "",
                "label": {
                    "en": "Phone"
                "hint": {
                    "en": ""
    "structversion": "2021-08-11",
    "schema": "maintenance",
    "id": "56",
    "user": "admin",
    "config": {
        "allowed editors": "",
        "label": {
            "en": "Maintenance"
    "columns": [
            "colref": 1,
            "ismulti": false,
            "isenabled": true,
            "sort": 10,
            "label": "system",
            "class": "Lookup",
            "config": {
                "visibility": {
                    "inpage": true,
                    "ineditor": true
                "schema": "system",
                "field": "internal number",
                "label": {
                    "en": "System"
                "hint": {
                    "en": ""
            "colref": 2,
            "ismulti": false,
            "isenabled": true,
            "sort": 20,
            "label": "type",
            "class": "Dropdown",
            "config": {
                "visibility": {
                    "inpage": true,
                    "ineditor": true
                "values": "Maintenance, Repair, Other",
                "label": {
                    "en": "Type"
                "hint": {
                    "en": ""
            "colref": 3,
            "ismulti": false,
            "isenabled": true,
            "sort": 30,
            "label": "description",
            "class": "LongText",
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                    "en": ""
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            "sort": 40,
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                    "en": "Comment"
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                    "en": ""
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            "ismulti": false,
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            "sort": 50,
            "label": "date",
            "class": "Date",
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                    "en": "Date"
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                    "en": ""
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                    "en": "User"
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                    "en": ""
    "structversion": "2021-08-11",
    "schema": "system",
    "id": "50",
    "user": "admin",
    "config": {
        "allowed editors": "",
        "label": {
            "en": "System"
    "columns": [
            "colref": 1,
            "ismulti": false,
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            "sort": 10,
            "label": "type",
            "class": "Lookup",
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                "visibility": {
                    "inpage": true,
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                "label": {
                    "en": "System Type"
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                    "en": ""
            "colref": 2,
            "ismulti": false,
            "isenabled": true,
            "sort": 20,
            "label": "supplier",
            "class": "Lookup",
            "config": {
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                    "en": "Supplier"
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                    "en": ""
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            "ismulti": false,
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