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tagentry Plugin Bugs

"+" or "-" appears before tags

When we use {{topic>}} syntax with “+” or “-” before tags in order to select results, labels of checkboxes appears with this “+” or “-”, as if they were part of the tag (although this is not the case). I suppose it is because of {{topic>}} accept parameters in its syntax. — Ner0lph 2010-02-11 16:59 (Europe/Paris timezone)

Tagentry checkboxes vanished when using the Dokuwiki "Anteater" Release 2010-11-07 (and newer)

Just like the plugin was no more active in the edit page.

Had the same problem… Here is a quick and dirty fix; someone with more experience can probably provide a better solution. In lib/plugins/tagentry/action.php comment out the following in the function handle_editform_output:
if (   !empty($event->data->_hidden['prefix'])
    || !empty($event->data->_hidden['suffix'])) return;
if ($event->data->findElementByType('wikitext')===false) return
tmul - 2010-11-18
Thanks, the fix worked for me, using Anteater. If I experience any inconvenience, I'll post them.
Thanks tmul.
This fix worked also for me with the “Rincewind” release.
BidiX - 2011-06-14
This fix works for the Angua release as well (at least on my wiki).
Hmm, seems the behaviour returned with the latest development version :-(. Any suggestions?
krid - 2012-08-28
Not displayed for me too. :-(
Yoshiki - 2012-0830
Same here - haven't been able to see it since the last few releases, even with the fix. Any news on this?
Shoe - 2012-1022
The problem comes from the new version tag plugin. You need to change the way the $alltags variable is initialised. Make the following change in function handle_editform_output:
if ($this->getConf('tagsrc') == 'All tags') {
  $alltags=array_map('trim', idx_getIndex('subject', '_w'));
} else {
This works fine for me with tag plugin released on 2012-08-24 and Dokuwiki 2012-10-13
You can see more in
Dinel - 2012-11-25
Works fine for me, too!
DokuWiki: git@8ca9187; tag: git@41fb82b; tagentry: git@6c654d5
krid 2012/11/25 14:43
Doesn't work on Dokuwiki 2012-10-13 and tag 2013-02-15…
Filter - 2013-3-19
To make it working for version 2013-05-10 “Weatherwax” you need to apply following patch
./action.php.old	2009-09-18 13:32:00.000000000 +0400
+++ ./action.php	2013-05-30 12:29:47.000000000 +0400
@@ -55,7 +55,7 @@
       $pos = $event->data->findElementByAttribute('type','submit');
       if(!$pos) return; // no button -> source view mode
       #echo "DEBUG: <pre>".print_r($event->data,true).'</pre>';
-      if (   !empty($event->data->_hidden['prefix'])
+      if (   empty($event->data->_hidden['prefix'])
           || !empty($event->data->_hidden['suffix'])) return;
       if ($event->data->findElementByType('wikitext')===false) return;
@@ -72,7 +72,7 @@
     if ($this->getConf('tagsrc') == 'All tags' && $thlp) {
-      $alltags=$this->_gettags($thlp);
+      $alltags=array_map('trim', idx_getIndex('subject', '_w'));
     } else {

Denis 2013/05/30 10:22

The last fix work fine on Dokuwiki 2013-12-08 “Binky” (after an update you have to empty all the cache)

PHP 7.0 Issue

Neither the old nor the new version of this plugins works with Dokuwiki 2017-02-19 “Frusterick Manners” on PHP 7.0. Error shown is this:

 Got error 'PHP message: PHP Fatal error:  Uncaught Error: 
Call to undefined function split() in 

I have no time to look into the code and fix it.
JohnG 2017/09/13 16:30 CET

Quick search shows that split() has been deprecated and removed from 7.0. It was replaced by preg_split() and explode(). The line in question is line 111 of action.php. Although making this change alone has not fixed the issue for me.
EvanC 2017/09/14 15:15 EST

Seems to work for me. I replaced the calls to split() with explode(). There are two calls, on line 111 and 125.
nuess0r 2018/01/01 16:28 CET

Plugin Installation Error - "Header does not match it's checksum"

Upon attempting to install this plugin via the Extension Manager, I receive the error mentioned above. The same also happens when I attempt to manually install it using the URL. I'm on DokuWiki Release 2017-02-19e “Frusterick Manners”, Windows 10, PHP 7. Any ideas about what's going on?
RiseUp 2018/01/24 22:41:30

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