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Tools Plugin

Compatible with DokuWiki

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plugin Insert toolbar with tools on pages

Last updated on
Syntax, Action

Tagged with csv, export, odt, pdf, timeline, tools

Needed for eventline, table2csv

This plugin shows a toolbar with more tools, without need to change your template:



Tools support simple syntax to force enable or disable the toolbar on single page.



Plugin allows to configure the following:

  1. list of available tools
  2. list of pages/namespaces, where plugin should be disabled
  3. define toolbar position
  4. define type of tools to show (icon, text, both)

All these options are available at the Configuration Manager

Download and Installation

Search and install the plugin using the Extension Manager. Refer to Plugins on how to install plugins manually. If you do install manually the directory must be named tools.

Version history


There's always room for improvement. If you're able to add any contributions to make this plugin better, please let me know or discuss your thoughts right here (please use ===== Level 3 Headlines ===== to open a new “thread”/issue and ---- (five dashes, horizontal rule) to structure it when needed).

tellafriend [solved]

You can download the tellafriend-plugin here (2013-05-27). But it doesn´t work out of the box. As it isn´t further developed try Infomail.

To get it work change following line:

tools-folder -> action.php: search for "tellafriend" and replace it with "infomail"

Do further adoptions in the css of infomail to make it fit your needs.

Printable version dont' work

A very useful plugin, well done! However, I can't seem to get printing to work, no error message though. PDF works fine. — hivos 2010/04/08 17:47

The printable version command is available only on some template (e.g. see moonobook template)
mluigi 2010/04/08 19:02

Support for the BookCreator plugin

2010-30-03 (current): Add support for BookCreator plugin.

Sorry, but for me this feature isn't working. Is it really implemented? — nlights 2010/10/02 00:26

German language

I will insert this language in the next release, but at this moment, create a folder called de into tools/lang and save this files in (thanks to Tobias) :

$lang["tools"]       = "Tools:";
$lang["tools_print"] = "Druckversion";
$lang["tools_odt"]   = "als OpenOffice-Datei speichern";
$lang["tools_pdf"]   = "als PDF-Datei speichern";
$lang["tools_email"] = "per E-Mail versenden";
$lang["show_tools"]      = "Position";
$lang["show_tools_o_0"]  = "versteckt";
$lang["show_tools_o_1"]  = "Seitenende";
$lang["show_tools_o_2"]  = "Seitenanfang";
$lang["show_tools_o_3"]  = "Seitenanfang und -ende";
$lang["show_link"]      = "Tools anzeigen";
$lang["show_link_o_0"]  = "Icons";
$lang["show_link_o_1"]  = "Text";
$lang["show_link_o_2"]  = "Icons und text";
$lang["show_header"]         = "Pluginkopfzeile anzeigen";
$lang["tools"]           = "folgende Tools einschalten";
$lang["skip_ids"]            = "Tools bei folgenden IDs nicht anzeigen";

Added print.css and Dutch language

To avoid having the toolbar on printed pages I added the following print.css

.dokuwiki { display: none }

And the lang.php

 * Dutch language file
$lang['tools']       = 'Tools:';
$lang['tools_print'] = 'Printbare versie';
$lang['tools_odt']   = 'Exporteren naar OpenOffice';
$lang['tools_pdf']   = 'Exporteren als PDF';
$lang['tools_email'] = 'Verstuur per e-mail';
//Setup VIM: ex: et ts=2 enc=utf-8 :

And the settings.php:

 * Dutch language file
// for the configuration manager
$lang['show_tools']      = 'Positie';
$lang['show_tools_o_0']  = 'Verborgen';
$lang['show_tools_o_1']  = 'Onder aan de pagina';
$lang['show_tools_o_2']  = 'Boven aan de pagina';
$lang['show_tools_o_3']  = 'Beide';
$lang['show_link']      = 'Toon tools middels';
$lang['show_link_o_0']  = 'Iconen';
$lang['show_link_o_1']  = 'Tekst';
$lang['show_link_o_2']  = 'Iconen en tekst';
$lang['show_header']    = 'Toon plugin koptekst';
$lang['tools']          = 'Gebruik de tools voor';
$lang['skip_ids']       = 'Laat geen tools zien op de volgende pagina\'s';
//Setup VIM: ex: et ts=2 enc=utf-8 :

Theo 2010/04/09 11:41

Adicionar Português Brasil


 * English language file
 * @license    GPL 2 (
 * @author     Luigi Micco <>
// custom language strings for the plugin
$lang['tools']             = 'Ferramentas:';
$lang['tools_print']       = 'Versão Impressa';
$lang['tools_odt']         = 'Exportar para OpenOffice';
$lang['tools_pdf']         = 'Exportar para PDF';
$lang['tools_bookcreator'] = 'Adicionar Página aoLivro';
$lang['tools_email']       = 'Envie por E-mail';
$lang['tools_csv']         = 'Exportar para csv';
$lang['tools_timeline']    = 'Exportar para Linha do tempo';
//Setup VIM: ex: et ts=2 enc=utf-8 :


 * English language file
 * @license    GPL 2 (
 * @author     Luigi Micco <>
// for the configuration manager
$lang['show_tools']      = 'Posição';
$lang['show_tools_o_0']  = 'Escondido';
$lang['show_tools_o_1']  = 'Rodapé da Página';
$lang['show_tools_o_2']  = 'Topo da Página';
$lang['show_tools_o_3']  = 'Topo e Rodapé';
$lang['show_link']      = 'Mostrar Ferramentas';
$lang['show_link_o_0']  = 'Icones';
$lang['show_link_o_1']  = 'Texto';
$lang['show_link_o_2']  = 'Icones and Texto';
$lang['show_header']         = 'Exibir o cabeçalho do plugin';
$lang['tools']           = 'Ativar ferramentas para';
$lang['skip_ids']            = 'Não mostrar as Ferramentas quando não houver ID';
//Setup VIM: ex: et ts=2 enc=utf-8 :

Gabriel Coelho 2013/04/15 17:14