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WordPress Most Recent Entries Plugin

Compatible with DokuWiki

No compatibility info given!

plugin Show recent (or all) entries from any WordPress blog using a template

Last updated on

This extension is marked as obsoleted. Therefore it is hidden in the Extension Manager and the extension listing. Furthermore, it is candidate for removal.

The missing download url means that this extension cannot be installed via the Extension Manager. Please see Publishing a Plugin on Recommended are public repository hosts like GitHub, GitLab or Bitbucket.

This extension has not been updated in over 2 years. It may no longer be maintained or supported and may have compatibility issues.

Extension name contains underscore, will not generate popularity points.

Tagged with !obsolete, changelog, embed

See FIXME: transfer more information here.


FIXME: Broken Download Link

Wordpress Most Recent Entries allows you to show the most recent entries from wordpress blogs in any Dokuwiki page. The display and many properties are completely customizable, and polish can be added. For example, dates can be displayed as “1 day 7 hours ago”, and summeries are ended with “[…]”. This is my first PHP project, so please give me tips! For bugs and tips (not gripes), email Please include the exact versions of dokuwiki and wordpress that you are using with a full description of any issue. FIXME (add a compatibility chart)


Version Status Link
08-26-2005 alpha programming:wp_most_recent-20050826.tgz FIXME
08-18-2005 alpha programming:wp_most_recent-20050818.tgz FIXME
08-17-2005 alpha programming:wp_most_recent-20050817.tgz FIXME
08-16-2005 alpha wp_most_recent-20050816.tgz



  1. Under your wiki installation, create the directory lib/plugins/wp_most_recent.
  2. Place syntax.php into this directory.
  3. Configure using the instructions below.


Configure wp_most_recent in your DokuWiki installation under conf/local.php.


Since WordPress blogs are databased as dynamic, the semi-static nature of DokuWiki rendering can get in the way.

WordPress Database Aliases

At least one alias is required, but you can also configure the plugin to work with multiple WordPress databases. By default, the default alias should be named “default”. For each alias of name <aliasname>, include the following properties:

/These settings should mirror the configuration for a wordpress configuration.
$conf['wp_most_recent']['db_alias']['<aliasname>']['host']         = "localhost";
$conf['wp_most_recent']['db_alias']['<aliasname>']['user']         = "db_user";
$conf['wp_most_recent']['db_alias']['<aliasname>']['pass']         = "db_password";
$conf['wp_most_recent']['db_alias']['<aliasname>']['sid']          = "wordpress";
$conf['wp_most_recent']['db_alias']['<aliasname>']['table_prefix'] = "wp_";
$conf['wp_most_recent']['db_alias']['<aliasname>']['baseurl']      = "http://<host>/blog";

Override Default Attributes

Although any attribute can be defined by editing the wiki tags, a default attribute can be overridden using the following line:

$conf['wp_most_recent']['defaults']['<attribute>' ] = '<value>';

Wiki Syntax

<wp_most_recent> tag

<wp_most_recent [attribute1="value1" attribute2="value2" (...)]>[entry_template]</wp_most_recent>


Entry templates can include tokens, html (FIXME, and wiki syntax):

<p>@categories@ <b>@title@</b><br/>@time_ago@ - @author@<br/>@content@</p>


Attribute Default Description
blog default A configured WordPress database alias
category none A category constraint or no value to display all categories
cat_delimeter , A string to join categories if more than one exists
cat_max -1 The maximum number of categories to display for an entry or -1 for no limit
cat_template @name@ A template for each category found. This is then used to replace @categories@. Must be HTML encoded! (=&quot;, etc.)
content_max 128 The number of chars to truncate a content summary at or -1 for no limit. If needed, the content will be truncated at a word boundary and appended with ...
link true Add a link to the title? true or false
max 10 The maximum number of entries to display or -1 for no limit

Template Tokens

Tokens are surrounded with ‘@’. Ex: @title@

Entry Template
Token Description
@author@ Entry author’s nickname
@categories@ Generated using the category template and delimeter
@content@ Entry content, formatted with the content_max attribute
@date@ Entry date
@excerpt@ Entry exceprt
@time_ago@ @date@ formatted as “1 hour, 7 minutes ago”
@title@ Entry title. May contain link using @url@
@url@ Link to entry

Category Template

Token Description
@name@ Category name
@nicename@ Category’s short name

Upcoming Features


[…] I think that there are definite limits to generating an absolute time reference in HTML which are fixed and rapidly become out of date. A better idea would be to make the PHP generate some JavaScript code. The JavaScript code would include a reference to the base time/date the WordPress page was updated. The JavaScript code could then process that code on the fly to produce the finished page that the end user sees. This would ensure that the time/date stamp is always current. […] — ta' lajzar 2005-08-23 00:13
And it would therefore not require as many cache updates. This is the way to go. - Peter DeWeese
Implemented. - Peter DeWeese
it's possible for dotclear 2 to do the same ?
this is offline, can someone upload the file to somewhere else?