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XML Syndication

DokuWiki makes some of its data available as XML feed through the feed.php file. The feed can be subscribed in a newsreader.

The XML Syndication feature was implemented by using the excellent Feed Creator Class FIXME by Kai Blankenhorn.

Config/URL Options

How the feed is produced can be configured through certain config options. When feed.php is called without any arguments it will use these options to create the feed. All options can also be overridden by parameters passed in the URL.


Default the XML feed of DokuWiki is available, but you can disable it via the disable actions configuration.

Each item in the created feed will have a link; this option specifies where this link points to.

Value Link Target
page the revision of the page when the feed was created
current the most current revision of the page
rev the revision view of the page
diff a diff view of the page changes

Feed Content

What is shown in the item bodies of the feed is controlled by this option.

Value Item Content
abstract The first paragraph of a page
diff a plain text diff of the page changes
htmldiff a HTML formatted diff table of the page changes
html the full HTML rendered page content

Content Type

Control whether media is included in the list of feed items.

Value Item Content
both list pages and media
pages list only pages, do not list media
media list only media, do not list pages

Feed Format

DokuWiki can create XML feeds in multiple formats.

Value Feed Format
rss RSS 0.91
rss1 RSS 1.0
rss2 RSS 2.0
atom ATOM 0.3
atom1 ATOM 1.0

List Mode

feed.php can be used to export a list of recent changes (default) but can be used for other lists as well.

Value List Mode
recent list most recent changelog entries with the newest on top (this corresponds to the wiki's recent_changes page)
list simply list all pages of a namespace (see below for selecting which one)
search list pages matching a certain search query given through an additional parameter q

Namespace Filter

The feed can be limited to include pages of a certain namespace only.

In list mode list, the feed will contain pages from the given namespace only, no sub namespaces.

In list mode recent, sub namespaces are included.

Namespace limitation is not directly supported for the list mode search. Instead you can give a namespace limitation in the query (using the @ syntax) – this however will include sub namespaces.

Item Sorting

The sorting of pages listed in the feed can be changed (list mode list only)

Affects only the list mode list. Natural sorting is just the order of the stored pages.

In list mode recent, the pages are always ordered by date, as its name already suggests.

Item Limits

The maximum number of pages listed in the feed can be controlled as well.

Note: The actual number of items returned in the feed will also be limited by the number of items that meet the criteria of the feed.

Including Minor Edits

By default no minor edits will be shown in the feed. This can be changed by an URL argument.

Show New Items only

Allows to output newly created items only.


XML feeds are cached to reduce the load on the wiki. This option controls how long feed caches are valid.


The summary of a page change will usually be included in the feed item title. This might be unwanted sometimes and can be disabled.


Feeds and ACLs

When ACLs are enabled, read restricted pages will not be included in public feeds.

If you want to access feeds for restricted pages you have to pass your username and password along in the URL like this: ''''.

:!: This is not very secure and might lead to the leakage of your user credentials. When DokuWiki is running atop of mod_php passing login credentials via HTTP Basic Auth as supported by some newsreaders might work as well.

Approach with .htusers

For my configuration (dokuwiki 2008-05-05 and Liferea) the HTTP Basic Auth approach did not work out of the box. It seems that the authentication was not happening because the web server did not ask for it. So I forced this by creating a .htusers file (out of the dokuwiki user information) and restrict the access to feed.php:

I used the following simple script to generate a htusers file (used by apache) out of dokuwikis user data:

user@host# cat <<EOF > update_htusers
grep -v '^#' users.auth.php |  cut -sd\: -f1,2 > .htusers
user@host# chmod +x update_htusers
user@host# ./update_htusers

Add to your existing .htaccess in dokuwiki main folder:

AuthType Basic
AuthName "feed"
AuthUserFile path-to-your-htusers-file
<Files feed.php>
  Order deny,allow
  require valid-user

See also