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imm Template

Compatible avec DokuWiki

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template A very clean design that's attractive and readable

Dernière mise à jour

Cette extension n'a pas été mise à jour par ses developpeurs depuis plus de deux ans. Elle pourrait ne plus être maintenue ou comporter des problèmes de compatibilité.

étiquettes : clean, elegant, simple

I designed this template for my own home page, and it turned out well enough that I thought I should share. It has a very clean, fairly simple full-width design and uses the Silk icon set in various places to keep the interface nice and streamlined.

Download and Install

Use the following URL to download this template:

Refer to template on how to install and use templates in DokuWiki.



Basically a nice template. However, there are displaying problems:

What a pitty. Its such a nice skin!

guest (another one)

I like it very much! I only miss some little things:

For the rest: Congratulations, nice template

guest (the 3rd one)

pretty nice, i just wonder if it would be possible somehow to add a menu on the left hand side, similar to the default template ? anybody know how to achieve this ?