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Mikio Template

Compatible with DokuWiki

  • 2024-02-06 "Kaos" yes
  • 2023-04-04 "Jack Jackrum" yes
  • 2022-07-31 "Igor" yes
  • 2020-07-29 "Hogfather" yes

template Mikio is a Bootstrap 4 style template with a hero element and dark mode support

Last updated on



Include Pages

The following pages can be either html files in the root of the template or a page in the namespace. Namespace pages take priority.

Include Images

The following images can be used to replace content in the template. Images can be in `TEMPLATE_ROOT/images/`, `TEMPLATE_ROOT/themes/THEME/images/`, or in the namespace. Images can be either png, jpg, gif or svg.

Hero Element

Namespaces can also apply the above hero settings in child pages by including the above settings in a page named theme.

If the page title is not being displayed in the Hero, make sure that you have correctly set the DokuWiki useheading setting.

Hiding Elements

Mikio now supports hiding elements using the ~~hide-parts (parts)~~ macro. Each element within the hide-parts macro is required to be separated by spaces. Currently, the following parts are supported:

To hide the topheader, navbar and hero, you would use the macro ~~hide-parts topheader navbar hero~~

Icon Engine

Users can also add their own icon sets to the template. Supported icon sets can either be webfonts or individual files (such as a SVG library). Instructions can be found in the /icons/icons.php file.


Themes should be placed in the themes directory in their own directory. LESS files are supported.

Dark Mode

Mikio now supports dark mode! When the user prefers a dark theme, or has selected dark mode, the html tag will set the theme dataset to `theme-dark`; else it will be `theme-light`.

You can detect this in CSS using:

:root[data-theme="theme-dark"] {
  // CSS selectors here

or in Javascript using:

const html = document.querySelector('html');
if(html.dataset.theme == 'theme-dark') {
  // ...

Mikio Plugin

The Mikio Plugin is also available to add bootstrap 4 style + more elements to DokuWiki pages.

If the plugin is installed, the Template Styles Settings page will be expanded to allow directly editing the plugin element styling.








You can view older change release notes on the Github project page.

Third Party Libraries

This template uses a modified version of simple_html_dom



This is really a modern, complete template, with very high flexibility and customizability. (Look at those options to customize for style.ini!) Also it's the first template I have seen with “Hero element” support. And there are quite a few positions to insert included pages as page/content header/footers. I appreciate the great work of the developer. — milchflasche 2020-07-30 03:42

I have used this template in my two language learning sites: (written in some East Asian languages and Hanzi script) — milchflasche 2020-09-17 04:58