
Simple Template

Compatible with DokuWiki


template Features a CSS dropdown menu

Last updated on

This extension has not been updated in over 2 years. It may no longer be maintained or supported and may have compatibility issues.

Tagged with !discontinued, blog, cms

:!: New maintainer

Hello, I created an updated branch of the template and will provide further updates. Let me know if you have ideas or bugs or patches. I will release a stable build the next days. Have fun. — sf 2013/08/31 06:29

Did you release a stable build?….if so where is it? Thx, A.User 8/3/2014
p.s. why is there a download of the Arctic template here?…??



previous versions

DokuWiki version download
2010-10-27 „Busy Wednesday“
Github URL


  1. download the tarball/zip-file
  2. unpack it into <dokuwiki>/lib/tpl/
  3. login as admin and change the template in the configuration manager

using git:

% cd <dokuwiki>/lib/tpl/
% git clone git:// simple

Debian install:

# cd /usr/share/dokuwiki/lib/tpl/
# wget
# tar -xvf template-simple.tgz


This template has no configuration options yet.

First Steps

Creating the Topbar

The template uses the CSS hover technique to generate the topbar menu from a normal wiki page which contains unordered lists of links. Therefore you have to create a page called „topbar“ in your DokuWiki root namespace. Edit it and insert an unordered list of links per menu item. Don't insert anything else than these lists in this page as it will lead to garbage ;-). At the moment only lists with up to 4 levels are supported. You can also have a separate topbar for each namespace. For example, if you browse to wiki:syntax and the page wiki:topbar exists it will be used as the topbar.

  * [[level1]]
    * [[level2]]
      * [[level3]]
        * [[level4]]
    * [[levl2]]

  * [[level1]]
    * [[level2]]
    * [[level2]]

The space between those lists is important!


The template style (colors/font-sizes/width) can be configured via the style.ini file located in <dokuwiki>/lib/tpl/simple/style.ini.

Browser Compatibility

The template was tested with the following browsers.

If you've seen it working with other browsers feel free to add them to the list :-)!


A complete changelog is available at my github page!

Bugs / Feature Requests

To report bugs and feature requests please use the bug tracker.

Sites using this Template


S5reload Plugin

Aim: nice icon to run presentation mode via s5reload-plugin via template integration

Insert in main.php (~ line 102):

<a href="<?php echo exportlink($ID, 's5reloaded')?>" title="online slideshow"><img src="<?php echo DOKU_BASE?>lib/plugins/s5reloaded/screen.gif" height="16px" alt="Slideshow"></a>


<div class="bar-right" id="bar__topright">
<?php tpl_actionlink('history')?>
<?php tpl_actionlink('subscription')?>
<a href="<?php echo exportlink($ID, 's5reloaded')?>" title="online slideshow"><img src="<?php echo DOKU_BASE?>lib/plugins/s5reloaded/screen.gif" height="16px" alt="Slideshow"></a>

topbar menu and nstoc

An interesting feature would be to autogenerate the Navigation e.g. with nstoc-Plugin or something else so that changes in folder-structure doesn't have to be changed manually - deshi (13.12.2009)

Just use the indexmenu plugin with this syntax: {{indexmenu>..#3|tsort context id#2}}

changing layout

really, really good job! to make this design full width it's enough to comment out the width in simple_design.css:

div.dokuwiki {
  line-height: 160%;
  /* width: __wiki_width__; */
  margin-left: auto;
  margin-right: auto;
div.dokuwiki {
  padding: 1em;
  margin: 0 8px 1em 0;
  /* width: 96% !important; */
  /* width: 95%; */
  background-color: __page_background__;
Or just edit the style.ini and __wiki_width__ to 100% (that's actually the better way to do this).

How do I find the Backlinks in this template?

Good questions. seems they've been left out. Please open a feature request. — chi 2010/02/02 09:59

TOC and Search Results

It seems to me that velease 2012-10-13 of dokuwiki, aka „Adora Belle“, requres changes to the table of contents and search results code. I'm told the changes are described at d5acc30d and 91b05b6b, or for backward compatibility, at and