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sprintdoc Template

Compatible with DokuWiki

  • 2024-02-06 "Kaos" yes
  • 2023-04-04 "Jack Jackrum" yes
  • 2022-07-31 "Igor" yes
  • 2020-07-29 "Hogfather" yes

template Modern, responsive template that integrates multiple plugins useful for small to medium sized company intranets and project wikis

Last updated on

Tagged with modern, responsive

Download and Install

Install the template as usual through the Extension manager.

Refer to template on how to install and use templates in DokuWiki.

:!: The Template requires PHP's SimpleXML extension to be available. On some systems you may need to install an additional package for that.

Sites using this Template

For a realistic view and a first playground you may visit the demo wiki on:

The sprintdoc template is the spiritual successor to the ICKE template. The goal is to provide a modern, responsive template that integrates multiple plugins useful for small to medium sized company intranets and project wikis.


Sidebar Sections

The sprintdoc template features a standard sidebar mechanism. Simply create a page named sidebar to create a permanent navigation menu.

By default each headline in the sidebar page will automatically create a collapsible section - this can be changed in the configuration.

====== A Section ======

  * [[wiki:dokuwiki|About DokuWiki]]
  * [[wiki:syntax|DokuWiki Syntax]]

A special syntax allows you to specify SVG icons to be used instead of the automatically created icons. To do so, simply provide a valid media id after an @ character. The icon must be publicly accessible, which means not protected by any ACL rules. Please refer to mime on how to enable SVG uploads in your wiki:

====== Section with local icon @icons:fish.svg ======

Alternatively you can refer to any icon available at Material Design Icons (MDI). When an icon can not be found locally it is looked up at MDI:

====== Section with MDI icon @alert-octagram.svg ======


The template allows to configure certain features in DokuWiki's configuration manager. Design features (like colors) can be configured via the Styling Manager.

Alternative breadcrumbs

The sprintdoc template offers an alternative kind of breadcrumbs displaying the hierarchy of namespaces a page is in. This feature can be activated by a combination of two settings in the configuration as:

This setting provides an appropriate display of hierarchy of namespaces of the active page near it's top on the right of the “Collapsible Page” button.


The template supports various logos, favicons etc. They have to be provided in PNG or SVG format and need to be uploaded to the wiki namespace. At the very minimum you should provide a wiki:logo.png/svg image and maybe a wiki:favicon.ico. Additional images can be provided, but are created from the main logo if missing.


The template supports traditional include hooks as defined in the dokuwiki template as well as includes configurable via the Template Include plugin.


The sprintdoc template support a handful of plugins right out of the box. That means there's no additional configuration needed other than installing to make use of these plugins. All of these plugins are completely optional but can enhance the experience.


