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cli [2017-06-12 18:06] – [indexer.php] bactramcli [2024-01-31 23:58] (current) – [Finding more CLI plugins] Klap-in
Line 32: Line 32:
         commit: see $ dwpage.php --help=commit         commit: see $ dwpage.php --help=commit
         lock: see $ dwpage.php --help=lock         lock: see $ dwpage.php --help=lock
 +        gmeta: see $ dwpage.php --help=gmeta
 +            Displays metadata about a page. There is no ability to write 
 +            metadata, only read them. 
 +            e.g. $ dwpage.php -u <user> gmeta [page] <meta tag>. Where <meta tag>
 +            can be "date modified" (in quotes) or "last_change date" an empty 
 +            <meta tag> returns all metadata.
Line 37: Line 43:
             e.g. $ ./dwpage.php -hcommit             e.g. $ ./dwpage.php -hcommit
             e.g. $ ./dwpage.php --help=commit             e.g. $ ./dwpage.php --help=commit
 ===== indexer.php ===== ===== indexer.php =====
Line 52: Line 60:
         -q, --quiet    don't produce any output         -q, --quiet    don't produce any output
-This needs to be run as the appropriate user and possibly the right directory to work. e.g. www-data in ~www-data under debian lenny. If you experiment errors, please firstly check that you are calling the script in the //bin// path and not in the ///lib/exe//.+This needs to be run as the appropriate user and possibly the right directory to work. e.g. www-data in ~www-data under debian lenny. So for example, if your wiki is in ''/var/www/wiki''
 +  sudo -u www-data /var/www/wiki/bin/indexer.php 
 +If you experience errors, please firstly check that you are calling the script in the //bin// path and not in the ///lib/exe//.
 When working with farms, you can define the animal variable while calling the script. Please note that this is on single command line. When working with farms, you can define the animal variable while calling the script. Please note that this is on single command line.
Line 123: Line 135:
     executed in all repositories found within this DokuWiki installation     executed in all repositories found within this DokuWiki installation
 </code> </code>
 +===== plugin.php =====
 +This tool gives access to all installed [[devel:CLI Plugins]]. Call it without any arguments to get a list of installed plugins:
 +  ./bin/plugin.php
 +Call the plugin's help screen to learn more
 +  ./bin/plugin.php <pluginname> -h
 +====Finding more CLI plugins====
 +Use [[plugintype>256#extension__table|CLI Plugins]] to add other functionality to command line. 
 +A summary of plugins which indicate CLI support:
 +---- pluginquery -----
 +SELECT: name, description
 +WHERE:  (type > ? AND type < ?) AND (bestcompatible LIKE ? OR bestcompatible LIKE ? OR compatible = ?)
 +headline: CLI plugins compatible with last two releases
 +To implement such a plugin please have a look at the [[devel:cli plugins|CLI plugins development documentation]].
cli.1497283619.txt.gz · Last modified: 2017-06-12 18:06 by bactram

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