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config [2016-11-18 16:28] – [Configuration files] [2024-07-26 07:20] (current) – old revision restored (2024-07-15 12:31) saggi
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 ====== Configuring DokuWiki ====== ====== Configuring DokuWiki ======
-Many of DokuWiki's features can be configured through various config options. The easiest way to modify these options is using the [[plugin:config|Configuration Manager]] which allows wiki administrators to easily alter the wiki configuration settings online from the comfort of their favorite web browser+ 
 +DokuWiki can be configured depending on your needs by "system" optionsconfiguration files for tuning behaviour, styling of the theme and dis/enabling extensions.
-To start the Configuration Manager log in as superuser and click the Admin button. 
 ===== What can be configured ===== ===== What can be configured =====
-The "system" options of DokuWiki will be found in the ''conf/dokuwiki.php'' fileHowever this file contains the "default" values of the system. To customize it, you should edit the file ''conf/local.php'' or create it if it doesn't exist. To find what you can configure within that file, see the list of [[#available options]] below.+The "system" options of DokuWiki can be set in the [[plugin:config|{{}}]][[plugin:config|Configuration Manager]]You need to login as superuser and click the Admin button to start it. The "default" values of the system are read from ''conf/dokuwiki.php'' file. To customize it, you can make changes in the Configuration Manager, which saves the changes to the file ''conf/local.php''. Alternatively, you edit it yourself or create it if it doesn't exist. To find what you can configure within that file, see the list of [[#available options]] below.
-User names, (encrypted) passwords and Access Control rules are stored in the [[acl|users.auth.php and acl.auth.php]].+User names, (encrypted) passwords and Access Control rules are stored in the [[acl|users.auth.php and acl.auth.php]] files which can be found in the ''conf/'' directory. These can be edited via the [[plugin:usermanager|{{}}]][[plugin:usermanager|User Manager]] and the [[plugin:acl|{{}}]][[plugin:acl|Access Control List Management]].
-When uploading a new file within the mediamanager, you may encounter a ''"Upload denied. This file extension is forbidden!"'' message. This behavior is controlled within the ''conf/mime.conf'' file. To upload a new type of file, specify it within the [[mime|mime.conf]] file.+When uploading a new file within the mediamanager, you may encounter a ''"Upload denied. This file extension is forbidden!"'' message. This behavior is controlled within the ''conf/mime.conf'' file. To upload a new type of file, specify it within the [[mime|mime.local.conf]] file.
 Some automatic replacements are done when you edit your pages. Some generate tooltips, smileys or some special chars. This behavior is controlled by the [[abbreviations|acronyms.conf]], [[smileys|smileys.conf]] or [[entities|entities.conf]]. Some automatic replacements are done when you edit your pages. Some generate tooltips, smileys or some special chars. This behavior is controlled by the [[abbreviations|acronyms.conf]], [[smileys|smileys.conf]] or [[entities|entities.conf]].
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 ===== Configuration files ===== ===== Configuration files =====
-All configuration files are to be found in the ''./conf'' folder or ''/etc/dokuwiki'' when installed from a Debian package.+The configuration files are to be found in the ''conf/'' folder in your installation (or ''/etc/dokuwiki'' when installed from a Debian package).
 "Main files" usually ship with DokuWiki, whereas "local files" have to be created by the wiki admin.  "Main files" usually ship with DokuWiki, whereas "local files" have to be created by the wiki admin. 
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 If local files are supported you should use them instead of modifying the main files to avoid upgrade troubles. If local files are supported you should use them instead of modifying the main files to avoid upgrade troubles.
 +Alternatively, instead of editing the ''*.conf'' files directly, you can install and use the [[plugin:confmanager|{{}}]][[plugin:confmanager|Configuration File Manager]].
 +^ main file                    ^ local file                                         ^ type of config        ^ quick info                             ^
 +| ''dokuwiki.php''             | ''local.php''\\ ''local.protected.php''            | see below             | general wiki configuration             |
 +| ''acronyms.conf''            | ''acronyms.local.conf''                            | [[abbreviations]]     | automatic abbreviation hints           |
 +| ''entities.conf''            | ''entities.local.conf''                            | [[entities]]          | automatic text replacements            |
 +| ''interwiki.conf''           | ''interwiki.local.conf''                           | [[interwiki]]         | interwiki shortcut links               |
 +| ''mime.conf''                | ''mime.local.conf''                                | [[mime]]              | mime type settings for uploads         |
 +| ''smileys.conf''             | ''smileys.local.conf''                             | [[smileys]]           | image replacements                     |
 +|                              | ''acl.auth.php''                                   | see [[acl]]           | Access Control settings                |
 +|                              | ''users.auth.php''                                 | see [[acl]]           | Users and passwords                    |
 +| ''license.php''              | ''license.local.php''                              | [[~:license]]         | list of available licenses             |
 +| ''scheme.conf''              | ''scheme.local.conf''                              | [[urlschemes]]        | URL schemes to be recognized as links  |
 +| ''mediameta.php''            | ''mediameta.local.php''                            | [[exif]]              | Metadata editable for images           |
 +| ''wordblock.conf''           | ''wordblock.local.conf''                           | [[blacklist]]         | Spam blacklist                         |
 +| ''plugins.required.php''     | ''plugins.local.php''\\ ''plugins.protected.php''  | see below             | Enabling/disabling plugins             |
 +| ''manifest.json''            | ''manifest.local.json''                            | [[devel:manifest]]    | PWA Manifest                           |
 +| ''lib/tpl/<tpl>/style.ini''  | ''conf/tpl/<tpl>/style.ini''                       | [[devel:style.ini]]   | Style files and variables              |
 +|                              | ''userscript.js''                                  | [[devel:javascript]]  | Custom JavaScript enhancements         |
 +|                              | ''userstyle.css''                                  | [[devel:css]]         | Custom CSS enhancements                |
-^main file           ^local file                ^type of config                 ^ quick info   ^ 
-|''dokuwiki.php''    |''local.php''\\ ''local.protected.php''|see below    | general wiki configuration | 
-|''acronyms.conf''   |''acronyms.local.conf''   |[[abbreviations]]         | automatic abbreviation hints | 
-|''entities.conf''   |''entities.local.conf''   |[[entities]]              | automatic text replacements | 
-|''interwiki.conf''  |''interwiki.local.conf''  |[[interwiki]]             | interwiki shortcut links | 
-|''mime.conf''       |''mime.local.conf''       |[[mime]]                  | mime type settings for uploads | 
-|''smileys.conf''    |''smileys.local.conf''    |[[smileys]]               | image replacements | 
-|                    |''acl.auth.php''          |see [[acl]]               | Access Control settings | 
-|                    |''users.auth.php''        |see [[acl]]               | Users and passwords | 
-|''license.php''     |''license.local.php''     |[[config:license]]        | list of available licenses | 
-|''scheme.conf''     |''scheme.local.conf''     |[[urlschemes]]            | URL schemes to be recognized as links | 
-|''mediameta.php''                            |[[exif]]                  | Metadata editable for images | 
-|''wordblock.conf''  |''wordblock.local.conf''  |[[blacklist]]             | Spam blacklist | 
-|''plugins.required.php'' |''plugins.local.php''\\ ''plugins.protected.php'' |see below      | Enabling/disabling plugins | 
-|                    |''userscript.js''         |[[devel:javascript]]      | Custom JavaScript enhancements | 
-|                    |''userstyle.css''         |[[devel:css]]             | Custom CSS enhancements | 
 ==== Theme configuration files ==== ==== Theme configuration files ====
-Additional configuration files are found in ''/var/lib/dokuwiki/lib/tpl/dokuwiki'' (Debian), e.g. ''[[devel:style.ini]]''. Style.ini is a text-file that is read by the default theme, and the user can configure e.g. the background-color.+The configuration file ''[[devel:style.ini]]'' for changing the theme is found in ''/lib/tpl/dokuwiki'' (for the default dokuwiki theme). Style.ini is a text-file that is read by the theme, and the user can configure e.g. the background-color. The [[plugin:styling|{{}}]][[plugin:styling|Styling Plugin]] let you via the Admin interface preview and change the appearance of any template and store in ''conf/tpl/<tpl>/style.ini''.
 ===== Enabling/disabling plugins ===== ===== Enabling/disabling plugins =====
-Installed plugins are enabled by default. They could be disabled using the [[plugin:extension|Extension Manager]] or [[plugin:plugin|Plugin Manager]] which writes to the ''plugins.local.php'' file. You can protect certain plugins by placing them in ''conf/plugins.protected.php''.+Installed plugins are enabled by default. They could be disabled using the [[plugin:extension|{{}}]][[plugin:extension|Extension Manager]] which writes to the ''plugins.local.php'' file. You can protect certain plugins by placing them in ''conf/plugins.protected.php''.
 By default DokuWiki loads its configuration files in the following order: By default DokuWiki loads its configuration files in the following order:
   - ''conf/plugins.php'' -- default plugins   - ''conf/plugins.php'' -- default plugins
-  - ''conf/plugins.local.php'' -- changed by plugin manager +  - ''conf/plugins.local.php'' -- changed by the extension manager 
-  - ''conf/plugins.required.php'' -- these core plugins cannot be controlled by plugin manager+  - ''conf/plugins.required.php'' -- these core plugins cannot be controlled by the extension manager
   - ''conf/plugins.protected.php'' -- overrides setting in the other files   - ''conf/plugins.protected.php'' -- overrides setting in the other files
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 ===== Configuration Options ===== ===== Configuration Options =====
-Most of [[DokuWiki]]'s features can be configured through various config options. The easiest way to modify these options is using the [[plugin:config|Configuration Manager]].+Most of [[DokuWiki]]'s features can be configured through various config options. The easiest way to modify these options is using the [[plugin:config|{{}}]][[plugin:config|Configuration Manager]].
-The available settings are listed below. Their default values are stored in a file called ''conf/dokuwiki.php''. If you want to modify a setting you should do this in a file called ''conf/local.php'' -- this makes sure your special configs are not overwritten by a later upgrade. The config manager will use this file as well.  The file ''conf/local.protected.php'' can be used for configuration settings which cannot be modified.+The available settings are listed below. Their default values are stored in a file called ''conf/dokuwiki.php''. If you want to modify a setting you should do this in a file called ''conf/local.php'' -- this makes sure your special configs are not overwritten by a later upgrade. The [[plugin:config|Config Manager]] will use this file as well.  The file ''conf/local.protected.php'' can be used for configuration settings which cannot be modified in the Config Manager.
 Here is a sample ''conf/local.php'': Here is a sample ''conf/local.php'':
Line 87: Line 91:
   * **Basic Settings **   * **Basic Settings **
-    * [[config:title]] +    * [[~:title]] 
-    * [[config:startpage|start]] +    * [[~:startpage|start]] 
-    * [[config:lang]] +    * [[~:lang]] 
-    * [[config:template]] +    * [[~:template]] 
-    * [[config:tagline]] +    * [[~:tagline]] 
-    * [[config:sidebar]] +    * [[~:sidebar]] 
-    * [[config:license]] +    * [[~:license]] 
-    * [[config:savedir]] +    * [[~:savedir]] 
-    * [[config:basedir]] +    * [[~:basedir]] 
-    * [[config:baseurl]] +    * [[~:baseurl]] 
-    * [[config:dmode]] +    * [[~:cookiedir]] 
-    * [[config:fmode]] +    * [[~:dmode]] 
-    * [[config:allowdebug]]+    * [[~:fmode]] 
 +    * [[~:allowdebug]]
   * **Display Settings**   * **Display Settings**
-    * [[config:recent]] +    * [[~:recent]] 
-    * [[config:recent_days]] +    * [[~:recent_days]] 
-    * [[config:breadcrumbs]]  +    * [[~:breadcrumbs]]  
-    * [[config:youarehere]] +    * [[~:youarehere]] 
-    * [[config:fullpath]] +    * [[~:fullpath]] 
-    * [[config:typography]] +    * [[~:typography]] 
-    * [[config:dformat]] +    * [[~:dformat]] 
-    * [[config:signature]] +    * [[~:signature]] 
-    * [[config:showuseras]] +    * [[~:showuseras]] 
-    * [[config:toptoclevel]] +    * [[~:toptoclevel]] 
-    * [[config:tocminheads]] +    * [[~:tocminheads]] 
-    * [[config:maxtoclevel]] +    * [[~:maxtoclevel]] 
-    * [[config:maxseclevel]] +    * [[~:maxseclevel]] 
-    * [[config:camelcase]] +    * [[~:camelcase]] 
-    * [[config:deaccent]] +    * [[~:deaccent]] 
-    * [[config:useheading]] +    * [[~:useheading]] 
-    * [[config:sneaky_index]] +    * [[~:sneaky_index]] 
-    * [[config:hidepages]]+    * [[~:hidepages]]
   * **Authentication Settings**   * **Authentication Settings**
-    * [[config:useacl]] +    * [[~:useacl]] 
-    * [[config:autopasswd]] +    * [[~:autopasswd]] 
-    * [[config:authtype]] +    * [[~:authtype]] 
-    * [[config:passcrypt]] +    * [[~:passcrypt]] 
-    * [[config:defaultgroup]] +    * [[~:defaultgroup]] 
-    * [[config:superuser]] +    * [[~:superuser]] 
-    * [[config:manager]] +    * [[~:manager]] 
-    * [[config:profileconfirm]] +    * [[~:profileconfirm]] 
-    * [[config:rememberme]] +    * [[~:rememberme]] 
-    * [[config:disableactions]] +    * [[~:disableactions]] 
-    * [[config:auth_security_timeout]] +    * [[~:auth_security_timeout]] 
-    * [[config:securecookie]] +    * [[~:securecookie]] 
-    * [[config:remote]] +    * [[~:samesitecookie]] 
-    * [[config:remoteuser]]+    * [[~:remote]] 
 +    * [[~:remoteuser]] 
 +    * [[~:remotecors]]
   * ** Anti-Spam Settings **   * ** Anti-Spam Settings **
-    * [[config:usewordblock]] +    * [[~:usewordblock]] 
-    * [[config:relnofollow]] +    * [[~:relnofollow]] 
-    * [[config:indexdelay]] +    * [[~:indexdelay]] 
-    * [[config:mailguard]] +    * [[~:mailguard]] 
-    * [[config:iexssprotect]]+    * [[~:iexssprotect]]
   * ** Editing Settings **   * ** Editing Settings **
-    * [[config:usedraft]] +    * [[~:usedraft]] 
-    * [[config:htmlok]] +    * <del>[[~:htmlok]]</del> (removed since release 2023 Jack Jackrum) 
-    * [[config:phpok]] +    * <del>[[~:phpok]]</del> (removed since release 2023 Jack Jackrum) 
-    * [[config:locktime]] +    * [[~:locktime]] 
-    * [[config:cachetime]]+    * [[~:cachetime]]
   * ** Link Settings **   * ** Link Settings **
-    * [[config:target|target (wiki, interwiki, extern, media, windows)]]+    * [[~:target|target (wiki, interwiki, extern, media, windows)]]
   * ** Media Settings **   * ** Media Settings **
-    * [[config:mediarevisions]] +    * [[~:mediarevisions]] 
-    * [[config:gdlib]] +    * [[~:gdlib]] 
-    * [[config:im_convert]] +    * [[~:im_convert]] 
-    * [[config:jpg_quality]] +    * [[~:jpg_quality]] 
-    * [[config:fetchsize]] +    * [[~:fetchsize]] 
-    * [[config:refcheck]]+    * [[~:refcheck]]
   * ** Notification Settings **   * ** Notification Settings **
-    * [[config:subscribers]] +    * [[~:subscribers]] 
-    * [[config:subscribe_time]] +    * [[~:subscribe_time]] 
-    * [[config:notify]] +    * [[~:notify]] 
-    * [[config:registernotify]] +    * [[~:registernotify]] 
-    * [[config:mailfrom]] +    * [[~:mailfrom]] 
-    * [[config:mailprefix]] +    * [[~:mailreturnpath]] 
-    * [[config:htmlmail]]+    * [[~:mailprefix]] 
 +    * [[~:htmlmail]] 
 +    * [[~:dontlog]] 
 +    * [[~:logretain]]
   * ** Syndication Settings **   * ** Syndication Settings **
-    * [[config:sitemap]] +    * [[~:sitemap]] 
-    * [[config:rss_type]] +    * [[~:rss_type]] 
-    * [[config:rss_linkto]] +    * [[~:rss_linkto]] 
-    * [[config:rss_content]] +    * [[~:rss_content]] 
-    * [[config:rss_media]] +    * [[~:rss_media]] 
-    * [[config:rss_update]] +    * [[~:rss_update]] 
-    * [[config:rss_show_summary]]+    * [[~:rss_show_summary]] 
 +    * [[~:rss_show_deleted]]
   * ** Advanced options **   * ** Advanced options **
-    * [[config:updatecheck]] +    * [[~:updatecheck]] 
-    * [[config:userewrite]] +    * [[~:userewrite]] 
-    * [[config:useslash]] +    * [[~:useslash]] 
-    * [[config:sepchar]] +    * [[~:sepchar]] 
-    * [[config:canonical]] +    * [[~:canonical]] 
-    * [[config:fnencode]] +    * [[~:fnencode]] 
-    * [[config:autoplural]] +    * [[~:autoplural]] 
-    * [[config:compress]] +    * [[~:compress]] 
-    * [[config:cssdatauri]] +    * [[~:cssdatauri]] 
-    * [[config:gzip_output]] +    * [[~:gzip_output]] 
-    * [[config:send404]] +    * [[~:send404]] 
-    * [[config:compression]] +    * [[~:compression]] 
-    * [[config:broken_iua]] +    * [[~:broken_iua]] 
-    * [[config:xsendfile]] +    * [[~:xsendfile]] 
-    * [[config:renderer_xhtml]] +    * [[~:renderer_xhtml]] 
-    * [[config:readdircache]]+    * [[~:readdircache]] 
 +    * [[~:search_nslimit]] 
 +    * [[~:search_fragment]]
   * ** Network Settings **   * ** Network Settings **
-    * [[config:dnslookups]] +    * [[~:dnslookups]] 
-    * [[config:proxy|proxy (host, port, user, pass, ssl)]] +    * [[~:jquerycdn]] 
-    * [[config:safemodehack]] +    * [[~:proxy|proxy (host, port, user, pass, ssl, except)]] 
-    * [[config:ftp|ftp (host, port, user, pass, root)]]+    * [[~:trustedproxy]] 
 +    * <del>[[~:safemodehack]]</del> (removed since release 2020 [[:changes#release_2020-07-29a_hogfather|Hogfather]]) 
 +    * <del>[[~:ftp|ftp (host, port, user, pass, root)]]</del> (removed since release 2020 Hogfather) 
 +  * **Feature Flags** 
 +    * [[~:defer_js]]
config.1479482915.txt.gz · Last modified: 2016-11-18 16:28 by

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