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devel:github [2013-09-12 01:12] – Fix capitalization for Git and GitHub. Matt2devel:github [2023-12-05 07:45] (current) – old revision restored (2023-09-24 20:12) Klap-in
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-====== Working with GitHub Pull Requests ======+====== GitHub ====== 
 +DokuWiki's [[git]] repository is hosted at [[]]. It is has become the central place of development discussion, having mostly replaced discussions on the [[:mailinglist]]. 
 +===== Working with GitHub Pull Requests =====
 GitHub Pull Requests are the preferred way of sending patches for DokuWiki to the core development team. While individual [[Git]] patches may get into the core, a pull request makes it much easier to review the code collaboratively and discuss it before applying it to the code base. GitHub Pull Requests are the preferred way of sending patches for DokuWiki to the core development team. While individual [[Git]] patches may get into the core, a pull request makes it much easier to review the code collaboratively and discuss it before applying it to the code base.
devel/github.1378941166.txt.gz · Last modified: 2013-09-12 01:12 by Matt2

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