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faq:brokenimages [2016-06-03 16:04] – Add link to findBadPhp.pgp Tip, which was useful to me when solving a broken images issue FosseWayfaq:brokenimages [2024-09-27 16:38] (current) – [See also Forum] Pictures do not show after ACL change michaelsy
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 :!: Try to open one of the images directly (right click -> select open image in new tab) to see if you get any errors. :!: Try to open one of the images directly (right click -> select open image in new tab) to see if you get any errors.
-If you get some PHP error or the message ''The image can't be displayed because it contains errors'' one of your plugins might be broken. It might also be a whitespace or [[wp>Byte Order Mark|BOM]] introduced with one of your config files, see the FAQ entry on [[faq:sessioncookie|session cookies]] and the [[:tips:findbadphp.php|findBadPhp script Tip]] for more info on how to solve this problem.+If you get some PHP error or the message ''The image can't be displayed because it contains errors'' one of your plugins might be broken.  
 +It might also be a whitespace or [[wp>Byte Order Mark|BOM]] introduced with one of your config files, see the FAQ entry on [[faq:sessioncookie|session cookies]] and the [[:tips:findbadphp.php|findBadPhp script Tip]] for more info on how to solve this problem.
 If you don't see any error messages displayed, they might still appear in your error log. So, please check those. (If you don't have access to them, ask your provider.) If you don't see any error messages displayed, they might still appear in your error log. So, please check those. (If you don't have access to them, ask your provider.)
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 If thumbnails for small images work, but larger ones fail, you might hit a memory problem with libGD. Try configuring [[config:im_convert|ImageMagick]] instead. If thumbnails for small images work, but larger ones fail, you might hit a memory problem with libGD. Try configuring [[config:im_convert|ImageMagick]] instead.
 +===== See also Forum =====
 +[[|Images Have Stopped Displaying]] \\
 +[[|My images disappear after 5-8 seconds]] \\
 +[[|Images won't display ]] \\
 +[[|Solved: Images suddenly are not displayed anymore]] \\
 +[[|Pictures do not show after ACL change]]
faq/brokenimages.1464962644.txt.gz · Last modified: 2016-06-03 16:04 by FosseWay

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