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features [2023-08-11 07:36] – old revision restored (2023-08-08 13:57) Klap-infeatures [2024-09-02 15:48] (current) – old revision restored (2024-08-15 16:42) Aleksandr
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 ====== DokuWiki Features ====== ====== DokuWiki Features ======
-[[DokuWiki]] has many features but all of them are easy to use. And many more can be added through the free [[plugin]] downloads. The list below should give you a first overview of what is available in DokuWiki. +[[DokuWiki]] has many features but all of them are easy to use. And many more can be added through the free [[plugin]] downloads. The list below** should give you** a first overview of what is available in DokuWiki. 
 Feel free to test DokuWiki on the [[playground:playground]]. If you miss a feature not available, just put a [[bounties|bounty]] out on it.  Feel free to test DokuWiki on the [[playground:playground]]. If you miss a feature not available, just put a [[bounties|bounty]] out on it. 
 A big [[|list of features]] is also available in the [[|WikiMatrix]] where you can [[|compare]] DokuWiki's features with those of other engines and systems. A big [[|list of features]] is also available in the [[|WikiMatrix]] where you can [[|compare]] DokuWiki's features with those of other engines and systems.
 ===== Basic Features ===== ===== Basic Features =====
features.1691732202.txt.gz · Last modified: 2023-08-11 07:36 by Klap-in

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