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images [2017-10-29 22:36] – old revision restored (2017-09-14 12:01) Aleksandrimages [2023-11-09 12:45] (current) – Added a note about spaces preceding the title marker | causing issues in dw2pdf generated PDFs
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 ====== Image and Media Handling ====== ====== Image and Media Handling ======
-You can upload and embed other files into [[DokuWiki]] pages with the [[wiki:syntax#images_and_other_files|Image Syntax]]. While images, audio and video media are [[wiki:syntax#supported_media_formats|displayed right]] on the page, other files (such as PDF documents) are just linked to from the document. Please see [[mime]] for detailed information.+You can upload and embed other files into [[DokuWiki]] pages with the [[wiki:syntax#images_and_other_files|Image Syntax]]. While images, audio and [[video]] media are [[wiki:syntax#supported_media_formats|displayed right]] on the page, other files (such as PDF documents) are just linked to from the document. Please see [[mime]] for detailed information.
 ===== Uploading ===== ===== Uploading =====
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 {{:wiki:mediamanager.png?200 |The Media Manager popup}} {{:wiki:mediamanager.png?200 |The Media Manager popup}}
-{{}} Uploading new files is done with the [[media manager|media manager popup]] called from the [[toolbar]] of the [[Edit window]]. +Uploading new files is done with the [[media manager|media manager popup]] called by button {{}} of the [[toolbar]] of the [[Edit window]]. 
 Just use the upload form at the top right to upload a file. Optionally you can give a new name for the file. Be sure to keep the file extension correct! If you use new [[namespaces]] in the name these will be created automatically. Just use the upload form at the top right to upload a file. Optionally you can give a new name for the file. Be sure to keep the file extension correct! If you use new [[namespaces]] in the name these will be created automatically.
-The [[fullscreen mediamanager|fullscreen media manager]] lets you also upload images. Besides it can show media revisions and edit the image metadata as well.+The [[fullscreen mediamanager|fullscreen media manager]] lets you also upload images and [[video|videos]]. Besides it can show media revisions and edit the image metadata as well.
 Please note: If the administrator enabled [[ACL]] support, upload may be restricted to certain users. Users without the proper permission will not see the upload form. Please note: If the administrator enabled [[ACL]] support, upload may be restricted to certain users. Users without the proper permission will not see the upload form.
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 {{wiki:dokuwiki-128.png?30|The logo of DokuWiki}} Try hovering over the image for showing the title as a tooltip. {{wiki:dokuwiki-128.png?30|The logo of DokuWiki}} Try hovering over the image for showing the title as a tooltip.
-How images are embedded can be influenced by various parameters. Parameters are added in URL style by appending a question mark (?) and separating multiple parameters by an ampersand (&).+//When adding a title you should not have a space before the ''|'' character.  Doing so may lead to the creation of random links in the preceding text when exporting the page to pdf using the DW2PDF plugin.// 
 +How images are embedded can be influenced by various parameters. Parameters are added in URL style by appending a question mark (''?'') and separating multiple parameters by an ampersand (''&'').
 =====Alignment===== =====Alignment=====
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 {{wiki:dokuwiki-128.png?0x20 }} This image is scaled down to a height of 20 pixels. {{wiki:dokuwiki-128.png?0x20 }} This image is scaled down to a height of 20 pixels.
-When you give the width and height, the image will be scaled to exactly that height, ignoring the aspect ratio:+When you give the width and height, DokuWiki will crop the image before scaling to avoid distorting the image:
   {{wiki:dokuwiki-128.png?20x50}}   {{wiki:dokuwiki-128.png?20x50}}
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 {{wiki:dokuwiki-128.png?20x50 }} This image is scaled to a width of 20 pixels and a height of 50 pixels. {{wiki:dokuwiki-128.png?20x50 }} This image is scaled to a width of 20 pixels and a height of 50 pixels.
-In DokuWiki 2009-02-14 or later, giving both width and height will crop the image before scaling to avoid distorting the image. 
 ===== Linking ===== ===== Linking =====
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 } }
 </code> </code>
 ===== Dynamic Images ===== ===== Dynamic Images =====
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 To link images to other resources, simply pipe that link into the image, as you would with any other text. To link images to other resources, simply pipe that link into the image, as you would with any other text.
-Example:  [[|{{wiki:dokuwiki-128.png}}]]+Example: [[|{{wiki:dokuwiki-128.png}}]]
-  Example:  [[|{{wiki:dokuwiki-128.png}}]]+  Example: [[|{{wiki:dokuwiki-128.png}}]]
images.1509313005.txt.gz · Last modified: by Aleksandr

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