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install:sourceforge [2014-10-10 10:48] mprinsinstall:sourceforge [2023-04-25 19:32] (current) – old revision restored (2014-12-19 10:04) Aleksandr
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 ====== DokuWiki on SourceForge? ====== ====== DokuWiki on SourceForge? ======
 +After uploading all the files onto the server, simply add recursively the write access for the group, to ''conf/'', ''data/'' and ''lib/plugins/'' directories and their content (''chmod -R g+w conf data lib/plugins'').
 +Then, go to URL to finish the installation, as explained at [[:install]].
 +For more informations about the permissions on Sourceforge, read [[|Project Web Filesystem Permissions]].
 +Once installed, you will have others problems due to the specific Sourceforge server configuration and your Website could be very very slow (with a lot of 503 errors). I recommand you to choose another standard Web server instead of the Sourceforge server to install a PHP application :
 + * You will not be able to subscribe to DokuWiki :
 +''Impossible to subscribe as new user in a DokuWiki installed on Sourceforge, I've got this error message :
 +Looks like there was an error on sending the password mail. Please contact the admin!''
 +[[|Bug report on SourceForge (not fixed)]]
 + * You will not be able to update Dokuwiki, nor add/update/remove automatically a plugin (but you can install a plugin manually), you will have these errors :
 +''Could not determine the newest version of DokuWiki. Could not connect to No route to host (113)''
 +''The plugin repository could not be contacted. Make sure your server is allowed to contact and check your proxy settings.''
 +[[|Bug report on SourceForge (not fixed)]]
 +Added by [[|David VANTYGHEM]], 2014-11-15.
 +===== Old documentation (obsolete) =====
 It's easy to install on [[|SourceForge]]. It's easy to install on [[|SourceForge]].
install/sourceforge.1412930907.txt.gz · Last modified: 2014-10-10 10:48 by mprins

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