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install:ubuntu [2017-12-28 17:55] Aleksandrinstall:ubuntu [2025-02-18 23:29] (current)
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-====== Installation DokuWiki under Ubuntu ======+====== Installation DokuWiki under Ubuntu ====== 
 +**Please note**
 +The repository of Ubuntu has still the 2018-04-22 version of DokuWiki. This version is not recommended. Please install the newest version of DokuWiki. The instruction below uses a version downloaded directly from
 +  * [[:install:ubuntu: Ubuntu 18.04 + Nginx | Ubuntu 18.04 + Nginx]] 
 +=====Ubuntu 14.04, and 16.04?=====
 These are instructions on how to install a single DokuWiki under Ubuntu 14.04. Other version installations are discussed below. If you want to install a DokuWiki Farm, follow these instructions and then visit the [[:farms|Farm Page]]. These are instructions on how to install a single DokuWiki under Ubuntu 14.04. Other version installations are discussed below. If you want to install a DokuWiki Farm, follow these instructions and then visit the [[:farms|Farm Page]].
Line 10: Line 19:
   * apt-get install php7.0   * apt-get install php7.0
-  * apt-get install php-mbstring+  * apt-get install php-mbstring tt
   * apt-get install php7.0-xml   * apt-get install php7.0-xml
Line 78: Line 87:
   - That's it. Enjoy your own DokuWiki server. (Test if it works on your %%http://localhost/dokuwiki%%)   - That's it. Enjoy your own DokuWiki server. (Test if it works on your %%http://localhost/dokuwiki%%)
 +===== Installation of DokuWiki using apt-get =====
 +<code>apt list dokuwiki</code>
 +Check the date, if the date is over a couple months then I would highly recommend stopping here and trying the above methods for installation.
 +<file>dokuwiki/eoan,now 0.0.20180422.a-2 all [residual-config]</file>
 +If you insist on using the above package then the steps below will assist getting your installation operational.
 +  - As of 2020-01-02 the package is dated **2018-04-22** which is quite out of date.
 +  - I am concerned that:
 +    - more items in /var/lib/dokuwiki/ might be required in /usr/share/dokuwiki
 +    - more items in /etc/dokuwiki/ might be required in /usr/share/dokuwiki
 +  - Initially there are a number of PHP warnings that appear to pop up occasionally when first exploring the wiki, however they seem to go away and not return (often). These issues are documented on the DokuWiki web site, and claim to be fixed, likely the issues will go away after the DokuWiki install package gets updated.
 +Assuming that you have already installed apache and PHP (see above) and they are operating correctly.
 +The following commands will require **sudo** prefix or require you to be **su** (naughty). 
 +<code>sudo apt install dokuwiki</code>
 +Folders of interest
 +  * /etc/dokuwiki/
 +  * /usr/share/dokuwiki/
 +  * /var/lib/dokuwiki/
 +The apt package has number of problems which you will need to address:
 +<code>chown www-data:www-data /usr/share/dokuwiki
 +chown www-data:www-data /usr/share/dokuwiki/* -R
 +chown www-data:www-data /var/lib/dokuwiki
 +chown www-data:www-data /var/lib/dokuwiki/* -R
 +ln -s /var/lib/dokuwiki/data /usr/share/dokuwiki/data
 +ln -s /etc/dokuwiki/license.php /usr/share/dokuwiki/conf/license.php</code>
 +Create virtual directory for apache
 +<code>nano /etc/apache2/sites-available/dokuwiki.conf</code>
 +<file>Alias /dokuwiki /usr/share/dokuwiki
 +<Directory /usr/share/dokuwiki>
 +        Options +FollowSymLinks
 +        AllowOverride All
 +        DirectoryIndex index.php
 +        Order allow,deny
 +        Allow from all
 +AliasMatch ^/dokuwiki/sites/[^/]+$      /usr/share/dokuwiki/
 +AliasMatch ^/dokuwiki/sites/[^/]+/(.*)$ /usr/share/dokuwiki/$1</file>
 +Tell apache to enable the virtual folder (Note: use a2dissite to disable). 
 +<code>a2ensite dokuwiki
 +systemctl reload apache2</code>
 +Open your web browser and configure DokuWiki (You will likely get warnings if you have PHP 7.x).
install/ubuntu.1514480114.txt.gz · Last modified: by Aleksandr

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