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install:upgrade [2015-12-30 17:21] – [Pitfall on suhosin php extension] [2024-11-05 14:23] (current) – [Alternative Ways] Fixme for 'Linux upgrade commands' dead link saggi
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 ====== Upgrading DokuWiki ====== ====== Upgrading DokuWiki ======
-Note: if you installed DokuWiki through your Linux Distribution's package manager (eg. using a [[install:Debian]] or [[install:Fedora]] package) or similar tools you should also use this tool to upgrade your DokuWiki. Descriptions on this page are meant for standard, manual installations as described on the [[:install]] page only.+Note: if you installed DokuWiki through your Linux Distribution's package manager (eg. using a [[install:Debian]] or [[install:Fedora]] package) or similar tools you should also use the same package manager to upgrade your DokuWiki. Descriptions on this page are meant for standard, manual installations as described on the [[:install]] page only.
-DokuWiki is very simple to upgrade. Its file layout is organized in a way that avoids overwriting any user content, which means an upgrade generally is just unpacking a new version on top of an old one. You should first try the simple instructions given here, if you encounter problems or the instructions are not detailed enough for you, read the details in the section below. +DokuWiki is very simple to upgrade. Its file layout is organized in a way that avoids overwriting any user content, which means an upgrade generally is just unpacking a new version on top of an old one. You should first try the simple instructions given here, if you encounter problems or the instructions are not detailed enough for you, read the details in the section below. Mac users should use Terminal; copying files via Finder will delete all data. 
 +  * **Step 0:** Make sure your server meets the [[:requirements]].
   * **Step 1:** Make a [[:faq:backup]] of your DokuWiki, this is not necessarily needed but recommended   * **Step 1:** Make a [[:faq:backup]] of your DokuWiki, this is not necessarily needed but recommended
 +    * Example:\\ <code bash>tar zcpfv dokuwiki-backup.tar.gz /path/to/dokuwiki</code>
   * **Step 2:** Read the [[:changes|changelog]] to see if there are any special things to consider   * **Step 2:** Read the [[:changes|changelog]] to see if there are any special things to consider
-  * **Step 3:** Download the newest release from the [[|download site]].+  * **Step 3:** Download the newest release from the [[|download site]]. 
 +    * <code bash>cd ~ 
 +wget http://.../dokuwiki-xxxx-xx-xx.tgz</code>
   * **Step 4:** [[unpacking|Unpack]] the distribution tarball and upload/copy the files over your previous installation. Make sure to **overwrite all files** when prompted.   * **Step 4:** [[unpacking|Unpack]] the distribution tarball and upload/copy the files over your previous installation. Make sure to **overwrite all files** when prompted.
 +    * <code bash>tar zxvf dokuwiki-xxxx-xx-xx.tgz
 +'cp' -af dokuwiki-xxxx-xx-xx/* /path/to/dokuwiki/</code> The quotes on cp assure that it will run as is, even if an alias is set.
 +    * Check copied files ownership and permissions (for details see [[install:permissions]]).
   * **Step 5:** Delete all [[unused files]]   * **Step 5:** Delete all [[unused files]]
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   * **Step 6:** Upgrade your [[:template]] and [[:plugins]] if necessary   * **Step 6:** Upgrade your [[:template]] and [[:plugins]] if necessary
-  * **Step 7:** Wait for a day for update notifications to go away, or speed the process by following the steps in [[:update_check|Update Check]]+  * **Step 7:** Wait a day for the update notifications to go away. Alternativelyyou can speed up the process by following the steps in [[:update_check|Update Check]]
 Note: Yes, we explicitly recommend overwriting your old installation. If you adhered to the advice of defining config options in *.local files only (the Configuration Manager does this automatically) your previous config settings will **not** be overwritten. The same is true for all your pages and media files. Using the overwrite approach will save you a lot of trouble with keeping page revisions correctly working as these are depending on file modification time-stamps. Note: Yes, we explicitly recommend overwriting your old installation. If you adhered to the advice of defining config options in *.local files only (the Configuration Manager does this automatically) your previous config settings will **not** be overwritten. The same is true for all your pages and media files. Using the overwrite approach will save you a lot of trouble with keeping page revisions correctly working as these are depending on file modification time-stamps.
-===== Pitfall on suhosin php extension ===== 
-Dokuwiki version since 2015-08-10 "Detritus" requires some special settings in [[|suhosin php extension]] (if installed), otherwise edit page and plugin update/install won't work. Please refer to [[:install|DokuWiki Installation]] for detailed instruction. 
 ===== Troubleshooting ===== ===== Troubleshooting =====
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   * ''data/media_attic''   * ''data/media_attic''
   * ''data/media_meta''   * ''data/media_meta''
 ===== Alternative Ways ===== ===== Alternative Ways =====
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   * [[|Upgrading using Installatron Applications Installer]]   * [[|Upgrading using Installatron Applications Installer]]
   * [[|Upgrading by APS]]   * [[|Upgrading by APS]]
-  * [[|Upgrading using common Linux commands (copy-paste commands)]]+  * <del>[[|Upgrading using common Linux commands (copy-paste commands)]]</del> FIXME
   * [[|Installing and upgrading via git]]   * [[|Installing and upgrading via git]]
 +  * **New!** Use the [[update_helper:|DokuWiki Update Helper Script]] to automate the upgrade process.
 ===== Upgrading an Old Distribution ===== ===== Upgrading an Old Distribution =====
-When upgrading from a distribution which is a few or more years old, it is best to upgrade in stages, one year at a time, using the steps described above.  You can get old distributions from the [[|download archive]].+When upgrading from a distribution which is a few or more years old, it is best to upgrade in stages, one year at a time, using the steps described above.  You can get old distributions from the [[|download archive]].
install/upgrade.1451492504.txt.gz · Last modified: by

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