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manual [2022-12-27 14:45] – old revision restored (2022-11-07 08:35) oivmanual [2024-09-30 11:23] (current) – old revision restored (2024-09-13 01:18) michaelsy
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 ====== DokuWiki Manual ====== ====== DokuWiki Manual ======
-The manual is intended to be the extended resource for all standard questions on using DokuWiki. It includes information useful for "standard" users up to administrators who want to configure and run their own wiki installation.+The manual is intended to be the extended resource for all standard questions on using DokuWiki. It includes information useful for "standard" users and administrators who want to configure and run their own wiki installation.
 Pages should start with a general description of a feature and how to use it, then go into detail about how to configure it.  Pages should start with a general description of a feature and how to use it, then go into detail about how to configure it. 
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 If you can't find what you're looking for here, be sure to use the search. If you can't find what you're looking for here, be sure to use the search.
-  - [[dokuwiki|What is DokuWiki?]] +===== 1. General ===== 
-  Installing DokuWiki + 
-    [[Requirements]] +  * [[:dokuwiki|What is DokuWiki?]] 
-    [[install|Installation]] +  * [[faq:support|How Do I Get Support]] 
-    [[faq|Troubleshooting]] +  * [[:screencast|Learn by Video: Screencast Tutorials]] 
-  - Using  DokuWiki +  * [[:faq|Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)]] 
-    - [[screencast|Learn by VideoScreencast Tutorials]] +  * [[:tips|Tips and Tricks for DokuWiki]] 
-    [[main_window|The Main Window]] + 
-    - Navigation through DokuWiki Pages +===== 2. Installing DokuWiki ===== 
-      * [[page|Pages]] + 
-      * [[Namespaces]] +  * [[:Requirements]] 
-      * [[wiki:syntax#links|Different types of links:]] [[wiki:syntax#internal|internal]][[wiki:syntax#interwiki|interwiki]][[wiki:syntax#external|external]][[wiki:syntax#e-mail|e-mail]], [[wiki:syntax#windows_shares|windows shares]] +  [[:install|Installation]] 
-      * [[search|Using the Search function]] +  [[:changes|DokuWiki Releases]] 
-      * [[index|Sitemap]] (aka. Index) +  [[:faq|Troubleshooting]] 
-      * [[recent changes|Recent changes]] + 
-      * [[attic|Older page revisions]] + 
-      * [[syndication|RSS and ATOM feeds]] +===== 3. Using DokuWiki ===== 
-      * [[export|Export Pages]] + 
-    [[edit_window | The Edit Window]] +==== 3.1 Navigation through DokuWiki Pages ==== 
-      * [[toolbar|Quickbuttons for formatting markup]] + 
-      * [[summary|The Edit Summary]] +  * [[:main_window|The Main Window]] 
-      * [[Edit Window#Minor Changes]] +  * [[:page|Wiki Pages]] 
-    [[editing | Editing DokuWiki Pages]] +  * [[:Namespaces]] 
-      * [[section_editing|Section Editing]] +  * [[:wiki:syntax#links|Different types of links:]] 
-      * [[wikitext|View the wiki source text]] +    * [[:wiki:syntax#internal|internal]] 
-      * [[wiki:syntax|Formatting syntax]] +    * [[;wiki:syntax#interwiki|interwiki]] 
-        * [[wiki:syntax#basic_text_formatting|Basic text formatting (typefaces, footnotes, ..)]] +    * [[:wiki:syntax#external|external]] (& email) 
-        * [[wiki:syntax#links|Links]] +    * [[:wiki:syntax#windows_shares|windows shares]] 
-        * [[wiki:syntax#sectioning|Sectioning]] +  * [[:search|Using the Search function]] 
-        * [[wiki:syntax#images_and_other_files|Images, uploaded files]] +  * [[:index|Sitemap]] (aka. Index) 
-        * [[wiki:syntax#lists|Lists (ordered and unordered)]] +  * [[:recent changes|Recent changes]] 
-        * [[wiki:syntax#tables|Tables]] +  * [[:attic|Older page revisions]] 
-        * [[wiki:syntax#Text Conversions|Smileys, Abbreviations and Typography]] +  * [[:syndication|RSS and ATOM feeds]] 
-        * [[wiki:syntax#No Formatting|Nonparsed blocks (e.g. to display code)]] +  * [[:export|Export Pages]] 
-        * [[wiki:syntax#embedding_html_and_php|Embedded HTML and PHP code]] + 
-        * [[plugins?plugintype=1#extension__table|Syntax plugins]] +==== 3.2 The Edit Window ==== 
-      * [[namespace_templates|Using Page Templates]] + 
-      * [[tips:Good Style]] +  * [[:edit_window | The Edit Window]] 
-      * [[recent_changes#Difference between 'recent changes' and 'old revisions']] +  * [[:toolbar|Quickbuttons for formatting markup]] 
-      * [[locking|How page locking works]] +  * [[:summary|The Edit Summary]] 
-      * [[draft|Automatic Draft Saving]] +  * [[:Edit Window#Minor Changes]] 
-    Media Files + 
-      * [[images|Image- and Mediahandling]] +==== 3.3 Editing DokuWiki Pages ==== 
-      * [[fullscreen mediamanager|Fullscreen Media Manager]] + 
-      * [[media manager|The Media Manager Popup]] +  * [[:editing|Page Editing]] 
-      * [[mime|MIME configuration]] +  * [[:section_editing|Section Editing]] 
-      * [[exif|EXIF and IPTC support]] +  * [[:wikitext|View the wiki source text]] 
-    Non-Anonymous Wikis +  * [[:wiki:syntax|Formatting syntax]] 
-      * [[login|Registering and Logging in]] +    * [[:wiki:syntax#basic_text_formatting|Basic text formatting (typefaces, footnotes, ..)]] 
-      * [[subscription|Email Subscriptions]] +    * [[:wiki:syntax#links|Links]] 
-    - [[css|Small Style Guide]] +    * [[:wiki:syntax#sectioning|Sectioning]] 
-  DokuWiki Administration +    * [[:wiki:syntax#media_files|Images, uploaded files]] 
-    [[admin_window|The admin window]] +    * [[:wiki:syntax#lists|Lists (ordered and unordered)]] 
-    [[config|Configuration]] +    * [[:wiki:syntax#tables|Tables]] 
-      - [[rewrite|Nice URLs through rewriting]] +    * [[:wiki:syntax#Text Conversions|Smileys, Abbreviations and Typography]] 
-    - [[permissions|Let's talk about permissions]] +    * [[:wiki:syntax#No Formatting|Nonparsed blocks (e.g. to display code)]] 
-      - [[acl|Access Control with ACL]] +    * [[:plugins?plugintype=1&pluginsort=^c#extension__table|More Formatting via Plugins ⇒]] 
-      - [[:auth|Authentication methods]] +  * [[:namespace_templates|Using Page Templates]] 
-    [[tips:maintenance|Maintenance]] +  * [[:tips:Good Content]] 
-    [[antispam|Anti-Spam Features]] +  * [[:tips:Good Style]] 
-    [[cli|Command Line Tools]] +  * [[:recent_changes#Difference between 'recent changes' and 'old revisions']] 
-    [[faq:backup|Backup]] +  * [[:locking|How page locking works]] 
-    [[faq:servermove|Move Server]] +  * [[:draft|Automatic Draft Saving]] 
-  Adapting DokuWiki to Your Needs + 
-    [[plugins|Installing a plugin]] +==== 3.4 Media Files ==== 
-    [[:Template|Using templates to alter the looks of your wiki]] + 
-    - [[devel:css|A matter of style with CSS]] +  * [[:images|Image- and Mediahandling]] 
-    - [[Localization|Make DokuWiki talk your language]] +  * [[:fullscreen mediamanager|Fullscreen Media Manager]] 
-    [[devel:authentication_backends|How to implement your own authentication back end]] +  * [[:media manager|The Media Manager Popup]] 
-    - [[development|The Development Manual]] +  * [[:mime|MIME configuration]] 
-    [[bounties|DokuWiki Bounty Program]] +  * [[:exif|EXIF and IPTC support]] 
-  - Some details on specific requirements + 
-    [[seo|DokuWiki and Search Engines]] akaSEO +==== 3.5 Non-Anonymous Wikis ==== 
-    [[tips:blogging|Using DokuWiki for Blogging]] + 
-    [[tips:cms|Using DokuWiki as a lightweight CMS]]+  * [[:login|Registering and Logging in]] 
 +  * [[:subscription|Email Subscriptions]] 
 +===== 4. DokuWiki Administration ===== 
 +  * [[:admin_window|The admin window]] 
 +  [[:config|Configuration]] 
 +    - [[:rewrite|Nice URLs through rewriting]] 
 +    - [[:faq:mail|Mail Sending]] 
 +  * [[:permissions|Let's talk about permissions]] 
 +    - [[:acl|Access Control with ACL]] 
 +    - [[:auth|Authentication methods]] 
 +  [[:tips:maintenance|Maintenance]] 
 +  [[:antispam|Anti-Spam Features]] 
 +  [[:seo|Search Engine Optimization]] 
 +  * [[:cli|Command Line Tools]] 
 +  [[:faq:backup|Backup]] 
 +  [[:faq:servermove|Server Migration]] 
 +===== 5. Adapting DokuWiki to Your Needs ===== 
 +  * [[:plugins|Installing a plugin]] 
 +  [[:Template|Using templates to alter the looks of your wiki]] 
 +    - [[plugin:styling|Configuring template styles]] 
 +    - [[:css|Custom Styles]] 
 +  * [[:Localization|Make DokuWiki talk your language]] 
 +  [[:devel:auth plugins|How to implement your own authentication plugin]] 
 +===== 6. Specific Use Cases ===== 
 +  * [[:tips:blogging|DokuWiki for Blogging]] 
 +  * [[:tips:cms|DokuWiki as a lightweight CMS]] 
 +  * [[solutions:writing|DokuWiki for Document Writing]] 
 +  * [[farms|DokuWiki Farms]] 
 +===== 7. Developing DokuWiki ===== 
 +==== For hands-on developers ==== 
 +  * **[[:development|Dokuwiki'Development Manual]]** \\       Among others: 
 +    [[devel:plugins|Plugin Development]] 
 +    * [[devel:templates|Template Development]] 
 +  * Browse and search the code base 
 +    [[|DokuWiki's Github Repository]] (core) 
 +    * See also: [[:devel:repos|Sundry Code Repositories]] 
 +    * [[|XRef Cross Reference]] (core) 
 +    [[|OpenGrok Code Search]] (core & extensions) 
 +  * See also 
 +    * [[changes|DokuWiki Releases & Changelog]] 
 +    * [[devel:releases|Detailed Changelog for Developers]] 
 +    * A look behind the curtains: \\ [[devel:patreonblog|Andi's blog posts on Patreon]] 
 +==== Commission or offer developments ==== 
 +  * [[:bounties|DokuWiki Bounty Program]] 
 +  * [[:faq:support#professional_support_and_services|Professional Support and Services]]
manual.1672148709.txt.gz · Last modified: 2022-12-27 14:45 by oiv

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