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namespace_templates [2010-09-23 01:18] – [Syntax] Aleksandrnamespace_templates [2024-05-03 09:02] (current) – [Template files] differentiated zweihorn
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 ====== Namespace Templates ====== ====== Namespace Templates ======
-Sometime you might want to have every page in a certain namespace based on a common skeleton. For example, in the ''address'' namespace you could have an already prepared table, which only needs to be filled with data. This can be easily achieved with so called "namespace templates"+Dokuwiki supports scaffolding. Sometimes you might want to have every page in a certain namespace based on a common skeleton. For example, in the ''address'' namespace you could have an already prepared table, which only needs to be filled with data. This can be easily achieved with so called "namespace templates".
-When a page is created, [[DokuWiki]] looks up whether a template files exists and it shows it within the editor window. The templates therefore are .txt files and should contain wiki markup.+When a page is created, [[DokuWiki]] looks up whether a template file exists and it shows it within the editor window. The templates therefore are .txt files and should contain wiki markup.
 ===== Template files ===== ===== Template files =====
-Two kinds of template files can be used : 
-  * ''_template.txt'', which are used in the current namespace. +Two kinds of template files can be used:
-  * ''%%__%%template.txt'' (two leading underscores), which work as the normal ''_template.txt'' files apart from the fact they are used in all namespaces below as well (they are inherited).+
-One way to create the template file is to+  * ''_template.txt'', which will be used in the current namespace (but not below). 
 +  * ''%%__%%template.txt'' (note the two leading underscores), will cover the current namespace and all namespaces below as well (thus this kind of template will be inherited).
-  * use the wiki to save a page with the content that you want to use as a template into the appropriate namespace +If both (normal and inherited) templates are present in the same namespace, the normal ''_template.txt'' will take precedence when new page is created. This allows the pages of the top namespace to be differentiated from all pages of any sub-namespaces inherited belowwhich could become quite handy.
-  * use FTP or WebDAV to make a copy of it in the same folder and rename itthen +
-  * use the wiki to delete the original page.+
 +**NOTE:** Any changes to a.m. template files will //only effect newly created pages// and existing pages are always left untouched.
 +One way to create the template file is to:
 +  - use the wiki to save a page with the content that you want to use as a template into the appropriate namespace
 +  - use FTP or WebDAV to rename it as _template.txt
 +However, one should prefer the [[plugin:TemplatePagename]] Plugin if possible (see explanations below).
 ===== Syntax ===== ===== Syntax =====
-The content of the file is just standard [[syntax|wiki markup]].+The content of the file is just standard [[wiki:syntax|wiki markup]].
 ==== Replacement patterns ==== ==== Replacement patterns ====
 Inside of the file, you may also use some replacement patterns to make the template a little more dynamic. Inside of the file, you may also use some replacement patterns to make the template a little more dynamic.
-^ @ID@     | full ID of the page                                                                    | +^ @ID@              | full ID of the page                                                                    | 
-^ @NS@     | namespace of the page                                                                  | +^ @NS@              | namespace of the page                                                                  
-^ @PAGE@   | page name (ID without namespace and underscores replaced by spaces)                    | +^ @CURNS@           | last part of the namespace of the page                                                 | 
-^ @!PAGE@  | same as above but with the first character uppercased                                  | +^ @!CURNS@          | same as above but with the first character uppercased                                  | 
-^ @!!PAGE@ | same as above but with the first character of all words uppercased                     | +^ @!!CURNS@         | same as above but with the first character of all words uppercased                     | 
-^ @!PAGE!@ | same as above but with all characters uppercased                                       | +^ @!CURNS!@         | same as above but with all characters uppercased                                       
-^ @FILE@   | page name (ID without namespace, underscores kept as is)                               | +^ @PAGE@            | page name (ID without namespace and underscores replaced by spaces)                    | 
-^ @!FILE@  | same as above but with the first character uppercased                                  | +^ @!PAGE@           | same as above but with the first character uppercased                                  | 
-^ @!FILE!@ | same as above but with all characters uppercased                                       | +^ @!!PAGE@          | same as above but with the first character of all words uppercased                     | 
-^ @USER@   | ID of user who is creating the page                                                    | +^ @!PAGE!@          | same as above but with all characters uppercased                                       | 
-^ @NAME@   | name of user who is creating the page                                                  | +^ @FILE@            | page name (ID without namespace, underscores kept as is)                               | 
-^ @MAIL@   | mail address of user who is creating the page                                          | +^ @!FILE@           | same as above but with the first character uppercased                                  | 
-^ @DATE@   | date and time when edit session started                                                |+^ @!FILE!@          | same as above but with all characters uppercased                                       | 
 +^ @USER@            | ID of user who is creating the page                                                    | 
 +^ @NAME@            | name of user who is creating the page                                                  | 
 +^ @MAIL@            | mail address of user who is creating the page                                          | 
 +^ @DATE@            | date and time when edit session started                                                
 +^ %a %d-%m-%y etc.  | e.g. Thu 06-12-12. [[phpfn>strftime]] placeholders are replaced by page creation time  | 
 +^ %%                | a literal ''%'' character appears in your template                                     |
-In addition you may also use any [[phpfn>strftime]] placeholder to insert the time of page creation in any format you like. If you want to use a literal ''%'' character in your template you need to double it. 
-===== Editing templates =====+===== Still editing templates via wiki=====
-You can't edit the ''_template.txt'' through DokuWiki -- only someone who can edit the files inside the DokuWiki folders (usually an administrator using FTP or WebDAV) can. There are two tricks to accomplish this, though: one involving setting up symbolic links once, and one involving a code change.+You can't edit the ''_template.txt'' through DokuWiki (only someone who can edit the files inside the filesystem folders (usually an administrator using FTP or WebDAV) can modify these files). There are three ways to accomplish this, though:  
 +  * the easiest is using the [[plugin:TemplatePagename]] plugin which let you change the default templatenames ''<nowiki>_template</nowiki>'' and ''<nowiki>__template</nowiki>'' into another name. E.g. ''c_template'' and ''i_template''. These files are considered normal editable wikipages because they don't start with an underscore. 
 +  * or by setting up through symbolic links  
 ==== Editable templates through symbolic links ==== ==== Editable templates through symbolic links ====
 +//**NOTE: This section contains instructions for use on a Linux server and will not work on a Windows system.**//
-This way, you can store your templates in a special namespace. By making a symlink to them you can use the template. You can also choose to make a template non-editable by not using a symlink.+This way, you can store your templates in a special namespace, and make symlinks for DokuWiki to find them. You can also choose to make a specific template non-editable by removing its particular symlink.
   - Create a namespace called "templates", or something similar.   - Create a namespace called "templates", or something similar.
-  - In this namespace, create a page for each [[:namespace_templates | Namespace Template]] that you wish to be available+  - In this namespace, create a page for each [[:namespace_templates | Namespace Template]] that you wish to be editable
-  - Follow the instructions given above, but make _template.txt a hard link ((soft links seem not to work)) to the correct page under your templates namespace.  You now have a template that can be modified easily via the wiki interface.+  - Follow the instructions given above, but make _template.txt a hard link ((soft links seem not to work, but see the note about FollowSymLinks below)) to the correct page under your templates namespace.  You now have a template that can be modified easily via the wiki interface
 +Another way is to create symlinks in the folder itself. Thus you create a ''template.txt'' which is a symbolic link to the ''_template.txt'', in it's own namespace. 
 +  cd /var/www/html/dokuwiki/data/pages/namespace/something 
 +  ln -s _template.txt template.txt 
 +For these softlinks to work, you might need the FollowSymLinks option set for this directory in your webserver's configuration. 
 +//**NOTE: This section contains instructions for use on a Windows server and will not work on a Linux system.**// 
 +Open up command prompt (cmd.exe) on the server, and browse to the location you with there to be a template. Use the MKLINK command to create a symbolic link. 
 +  cd c:\inetpub\wiki\data\pages\namespace\something 
 +  mklink template.txt _template.txt 
 +===== Plugins ===== 
 +Additional template features are implemented by plugins.
->> I've used another method, creating a ''template.txt'' which is a symbolic link to the ''_template.txt'', in it's own namespace  +  * [[plugin:TemplatePagename]] Plugin can change the names of ''_template'' and ''__template'' in your choice via configuration manager. Has as defaults respectively ''c_template'' and ''i_template''This plugin will let you choose normal wiki pages as template so that they are editable via the wiki interface.
->> (''%% cd /var/www/html/dokuwiki/data/pages/namespace/something ; ln -s _template.txt template.txt%%'' ).  +
->> This way I can edit the template by going to some page in the namespace and then replace the pagename by 'templatein the URL.  +
->> (i.e. ''%%http://www.mywiki.somewhere/dokuwiki/doku.php?id=namespace:something:template%%''+
->> +
->> So this way you can use softlinks, but somewhat differently :) +
-\\  +
-> For softlinks the webserver probably needs the FollowSymLinks option set on the directory(tree). +
-\\ +
-==== Editable templates for all users  ====+
-This way, all your templates will be editable by anybody with write access.+  * [[plugin:TemplateByName]] Plugin extends available templates with 
 +    * ''~yourpagename.txt'' for the page named ''yourpagename'' in the current namespace  
 +    * ''~yournamespace.txt'' for all pages in the subnamespace named ''yournamespace'' 
 +    * and variants for deeper namespaces too and some other templates e.g. for ''start'' pages. 
 +All these plugins are only editable via the file system.
-  - Change the default template name to "template.txt" (or aaa_template.txt) at around line 817 ''inc/common.php'' ((Lines 811 and 812 in version 2009-02-14)).  +  * [[plugin:NewPageTemplate]] Plugin adds URL parameter that defines which existing page from the wiki is loaded as the template. Every page allowed by ACL is available
-  - Now any user with write access in the namespace can create page called "template" in that namespace which will serve as the template. +
-  * Note: This method has the advantage that new templates will immediately be recognized. This may not be the case with the other methods (adding files or symlinks manually into the DokuWiki folders).+
-==== @GROUPS@ support ==== +  * [[plugin:Snippets]] Plugin adds a button to the editor toolbar which allows to easily insert templates while editing a page. The shown templates needs to be list on one page, default ''snippets''.
-It may be interesting to have support for the ''@GROUPS@'' keyword to extend to the group list of the user creating the page (e.g. to specify a set of tags on a user's home page). The following patch implements it.+
-<code unidiff> +  * [[plugin:Headerfooter]] Plugin adds header text or footer text to pages only when they are displayed.
-Index: dokuwiki-2009-02-14/inc/common.php +
-=================================================================== +
---- dokuwiki-2009-02-14.orig/inc/common.php    2009-11-19 11:58:41.000000000 +0100 +
-+++ dokuwiki-2009-02-14/inc/common.php 2010-01-05 10:17:35.000000000 +0100 +
-@@ -840,6 +840,7 @@ +
-                         '@USER@', +
-                         '@NAME@', +
-                         '@MAIL@', +
-+                        '@GROUPS@', +
-                         '@DATE@', +
-                      ), +
-                      array( +
-@@ -855,6 +856,7 @@ +
-                         $_SERVER['REMOTE_USER'], +
-                         $INFO['userinfo']['name']+
-                         $INFO['userinfo']['mail'], +
-+                        implode(" ", $INFO['userinfo']['grps']), +
-                         $conf['dformat'], +
-                      ), $tpl); +
- +
-</code>+==== Troubleshooting ====
- --- //[[|Olivier Mehani]] 2010/01/05 10:19//+Problem: An unexpected error occurs "no timestamp" when server (Linux Ubuntu) cannot write the directory ''/dokuwiki/data/pages/namespace''This might happen, when the namespace directory is created by the admin as ''<root>'' in order to put the namespace template file in ''/dokuwiki/data/pages/namespace/'', before creating the first page.
-====== Suggestions ======+1. Solution: Before establishing the hidden template file, first create a dummy page via the DokuWiki GUI, like so: ''yourserver/doku.php?id=namespace:dummy&do=edit''. This allows DokuWiki to create the namespace directory under own control and assures full write permissions for DokuWiki on the created directory.
-  * Maybe setting the default template pagename in the config prevents messing with common.phpwhich will break the hack when an update is performed. With ACL access to these template files can be restricted+2. Solution: The admin ''<root>'' should be able to change //owner and group// settings through the [[|chown command]] (e.g., ''chown www-data:www-data /dokuwiki/data/pages/namespace/'' on CLI) and in the first place should establish new directories and files with ''owner:group'' settings applicable to the DokuWiki installation anyway.
namespace_templates.1285197521.txt.gz · Last modified: 2010-09-23 01:18 by Aleksandr

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