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plugin:config [2021-03-04 11:04] – old revision restored (2019-02-25 00:49) Aleksandrplugin:config [2024-09-28 23:18] (current) – old revision restored (2024-09-19 07:08) michaelsy
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 ===== Usage ===== ===== Usage =====
-The Config Manager is accessible from the admin screen (Login as superuser, click "Admin" and choose "Configuration Settings").+The Config Manager is accessible from the admin screen (Login as superuser, click "Admin" and choose "{{}} Configuration Settings").
 Settings are shown with different backgrounds to highlight their current status.  Settings are shown with different backgrounds to highlight their current status. 
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 This way, it is ensured that any values previously set from ''conf/dokuwiki.php'' and ''conf/local.php'' will be overridden by protected values from ''conf/local.protected.php''. Any settings found in ''conf/local.protected.php'' will be displayed by the plugin surrounded in light-red to indicate their protected status. Editing of protected values is disabled. This way, it is ensured that any values previously set from ''conf/dokuwiki.php'' and ''conf/local.php'' will be overridden by protected values from ''conf/local.protected.php''. Any settings found in ''conf/local.protected.php'' will be displayed by the plugin surrounded in light-red to indicate their protected status. Editing of protected values is disabled.
-The loading order of configuration files is controlled by the global ''$config_cascade'' variable in the DokuWiki release 2009-02-14 and above+The loading order of configuration files is controlled by the global ''[[devel:preload|$config_cascade]]'' variable.
 === Example === === Example ===
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 </code> </code>
-== For 2008-05-05 release and below == 
-Meanwhile, in the release 2008-05-05 and below this plugin used to add the following line to the bottom of ''conf/local.php'' to load protected settings. 
-<code php> 
 ==== File Permissions ==== ==== File Permissions ====
plugin/config.1614852261.txt.gz · Last modified: 2021-03-04 11:04 by Aleksandr

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