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section_editing [2018-06-22 17:19] – Added links to fix for editsections2 LarsDW223section_editing [2024-08-15 16:43] (current) – old revision restored (2024-02-29 05:32) saggi
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   * Setting up a [[:config:maxseclevel]] of 0 will disable section editing.   * Setting up a [[:config:maxseclevel]] of 0 will disable section editing.
-<del>  * If you prefer having your ''edit'' button beside the header, see the plugin [[plugin:editsections2]]</del> NOTE: this plugin seems not to be maintained anymore and it is not compatible with the current version of Dokuwiki (as of 20180622). Although a PR/fix is pending and could be applied manually, see  * The [[plugin:wideredit | Wideredit plugin]] allows editing multiple sections at once. This is especially helpful on smartphones, since the editing area of a single section is sometimes too small. On the other hand, editing an entire wiki page on a smartphone is often unmanageable.  
 +  * If you prefer having the section edit button beside the header (and not at the end of the edit section), see the [[plugin:editsections2 | plugin Editsections2]]. \\ **NOTE:** The [[plugin:editsections2 | Editsections2 plugin]] seems not to be maintained anymore and it is not compatible with the current version of Dokuwiki (as of 2018-06-22). Although a PR/fix is pending and could be applied manually, see, or use the fork:
section_editing.1529680798.txt.gz · Last modified: 2018-06-22 17:19 by LarsDW223

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