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template:material [2019-01-29 18:46] – release 1.3.0 lstemplate:material [2025-02-05 17:32] (current) Aleksandr
Line 4: Line 4:
 description   : A versatile material design style template description   : A versatile material design style template
 author        : ls author        : ls
-email         : +email         : 
-lastupdate_dt : 2019-29-01 +lastupdate_dt : 2020-11-04 
-compatible    : 2017-02-19e, Hrun, Greebo+compatible    : 2017-02-19e, Hrun, Greebo, Hogfather
 depends       : depends       :
 conflicts     : # prefix templates by template: conflicts     : # prefix templates by template:
 similar       : similar       :
 tags          : material modern clean simplistic elegant editor responsive themes sidebar configuration tags          : material modern clean simplistic elegant editor responsive themes sidebar configuration
Line 16: Line 16:
 bugtracker    : bugtracker    :
 sourcerepo    : sourcerepo    :
-donationurl   :   : 
 ---- ----
Line 22: Line 24:
 You can begin by choosing between several color themes in the style.ini file. From there on, you can fully customize the sidebar, making use of the entire material icon pack. You can begin by choosing between several color themes in the style.ini file. From there on, you can fully customize the sidebar, making use of the entire material icon pack.
 ===== How it looks ===== ===== How it looks =====
-{{|screenshot}}+{{ |screenshot}}
 ==== Beautiful themes ==== ==== Beautiful themes ====
-{{|different themes}}+{{ |different themes}}
 ==== Elegant editor ==== ==== Elegant editor ====
-{{|Screenshot of editor}}+{{ |Screenshot of editor}}
 The material template now sports an elegant looking editor. You can further improve it by replacing the toolbar icons found in ''DOKUWIKI_ROOT/lib/images/toolbar'' with [[|material icons]]. The material template now sports an elegant looking editor. You can further improve it by replacing the toolbar icons found in ''DOKUWIKI_ROOT/lib/images/toolbar'' with [[|material icons]].
-The toolbar can then looking like the following:+The toolbar can then look like the following:
-{{|Image of toolbar with material icons}}+{{|Image of toolbar with material icons}}
-===== Download and Install ======+===== Installation =====
 Use the following URL to download this template: Use the following URL to download this template:
-  *  * [[|Link to ZIP file on GitHub]]
 Refer to [[:template|this guide]] on how to install and use templates in DokuWiki. Refer to [[:template|this guide]] on how to install and use templates in DokuWiki.
-===== Configure it =====+===== Upgrading ===== 
 +Regularly visit the installed templates via the configuration manager in order to update this template to the latest version. 
 +**WARNING**: updating overrides all changed files. That means if you edited the ''%%main.php%%'' or ''%%sidebar.php%%'' you will need to backup these or any others before upgrading. 
 +===== Configuration =====
   - install the template   - install the template
-  - navigate to the ''DOKUWIKI_ROOT/lib/tpl/material'' folder +  - navigate to the ''%%DOKUWIKI ROOT/lib/tpl/material%%'' folder 
-  - open the ''style.ini'' file and scroll to the "replacementssection+  - open the ''%%style.ini%%'' file and scroll to the replacements” section
   - follow the instructions there to change the colors   - follow the instructions there to change the colors
-  - optionally, you can open the ''main.php'' and change the content property of this tag, ''%%<meta name="theme-color" content="#1a237e">%%'', to match your primary color +  - if you wish you can now open the ''%%sidebar.php%%'' file and change its contents to your liking 
-  - if you wish you can now open the ''sidebar.php'' file and change its contents to your liking +  - and you’re set! 
-  - and you're set! + 
 +The template also comes with several configuration optionswhich you can set via the Configuration Manager. 
 +^Key                        ^Description                                                                 ^Default                                                                                                                                                                                                                          ^ 
 +|''%%dokuwikiSidebar%%''    |use the sidebar page within the wiki instead of the ''%%sidebar.php%%'' file|''%%false%%''                                                                                                                                                                                                                    | 
 +|''%%feedbackForm%%''       |add a button that allows users to give feedback                             |''%%true%%''                                                                                                                                                                                                                     | 
 +|''%%technicalFeedbackForm%%''       |technical information is included in the feedback email                             |''%%true%%''                                                                                                                                                                                                                     | 
 +|''%%feedbackEmail%%''      |the recipient Email address for the feedback                                |''''                                                                                                                                                                                                       | 
 +|''%%feedbackSubjectLine%%''|subject line of the Email                                                   |''%%Feedback for Website%%''                                                                                                                                                                                                     | 
 +|''%%feedbackBody%%''       |body of the Email                                                           |''%%Thank you so much for taking the time to write feedback. We really appreciate it :) \n\n [your message] \n\n\n You can ignore all the technical information below. It only helps us track down what the problem might be.%%''| 
 +|''%%hiddenActions%%''      |DokuWiki actions that are hidden                                            |''%%backlink,top%%''                                                                                                                                                                                                             | 
 +|''%%protrudingDrawer%%''   |if the drawer should stick out on the left                                  |''%%true%%''                                                                                                                                                                                                                     | 
 +|''%%subtlePagename%%''     |if the title of the page should not be the focus                            |''%%false%%''                                                                                                                                                                                                                    |
-===== Problems or Suggestions? =====+===== Feedback =====
-If you encounter any problems or would like to see functionality added, please head over to the template'[[|GitHub page]] and submit bug.+If you encounter any problems or would like to see functionality added, please head over to the [[|issue page]] on GitHub and submit your bug/request.
template/material.1548784018.txt.gz · Last modified: by ls

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