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urlschemes [2011-08-26 14:31] bertehurlschemes [2023-11-25 01:03] (current) Klap-in
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 ====== URL Schemes ====== ====== URL Schemes ======
-DokuWiki allows linking to external URLs but only to known protocols. Which protocols are allowed is setup in ''conf/scheme.conf'' or ''conf/scheme.local.conf'' respectively.+DokuWiki allows linking to external URLs but only to known protocols. Which protocols are allowed is setup in ''[[|conf/scheme.conf]]'' or ''conf/scheme.local.conf'' respectively.
 The following protocols are supported by default: The following protocols are supported by default:
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   * ldap   * ldap
-To allow local links (or any other protocol) from Rincewind on (2011.05+) you'll need to add "fileto your conf/scheme.local.conf.+To allow any other protocol you will need to add the protocol to your ''conf/scheme.local.conf'' (create it when non-existing).  
 +For example to allow local links you add ''file'' to your ''conf/scheme.local.conf'': 
 +<code - conf/scheme.local.conf> 
 +Disable url schemes by prefixing with ''**!**'' (the exclamation mark):<code - conf/scheme.local.conf> 
 +For configuration changes to take effect on the pages, the [[devel:caching|cache must be purged]]. 
 +===== Examples of recognized urls ===== 
 +DokuWiki recognizes only external urls with schemes followed by ''%%://%%''. Two samples of external urls recognized by with the upper configuration are: 
 +===== How redirect to already configured programs ===== 
 +The restriction to ''%%<scheme>://%%'' means that when you use it to open a program you cannot only provide an address, but you also need to provide user and domain details e.g ''%%xmpp://''. But normally you don't want to provide these details, because the program is already configured on the computer of the user. 
 +When you like to use urls with only an address, you need urls where the scheme is followed by only a '':'' e.g. ''''. Such urls are possible in DokuWiki by creating an [[interwiki|interwiki link]]. For example, the default interwiki configuration let you use: 
 +===== See also ===== 
 +  * [[config|Configuring DokuWiki]] 
 +  * You can install and use the [[plugin:confmanager|{{}}]][[plugin:confmanager|Configuration File Manager]] for editing via admin interface of the wiki 
urlschemes.1314361890.txt.gz · Last modified: 2011-08-26 14:31 by berteh

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