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Two Factor Authentication - SMS Appliance Plugin

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2015-08-10a "Detritus"

plugin SMS appliance support plugin for the Two Factor Authentication plugin

Last updated on

This extension is marked as obsoleted. Therefore it is hidden in the Extension Manager and the extension listing. Furthermore, it is candidate for removal.

This extension has not been updated in over 2 years. It may no longer be maintained or supported and may have compatibility issues.

Similar to twofactorsmsgateway

Tagged with !obsolete, 2fa, authentication, security, sms, two-factor

:!: This plugin is not compatible with the current twofactor plugin.


This module provides the Two Factor Authentication plugin with the needed functionality to use an SMS appliance as a means to provide one-time passwords.

Verified SMS Appliances and URL Config

MultiModem iSMS SF400-G

http://<IP address>:<port>/sendmsg?user=<username>&passwd=<password>&cat=1&enc=0&to="$phone"&text=$msg


Search and install the plugin using the Extension Manager. Refer to Plugins on how to install plugins manually.

This plugin requires configuration prior to being functional. By default it is off and will need to be turned on. Additionally, the URL used to pass the message and recipient information to the user must be defined. The plugin only supports using the HTTP GET method to interface with the appliance at this time.


As of 2018-06-28, I have changed one of the methods in the main twofactor module that breaks all prior versions of this module. I have updated all the modules, so as long as you update ALL twofactor modules, this should not be an issue.

User Setup

In order to use the SMS appliance, the user will have to configure the wiki to send passwords by SMS. This can be done through the Two Factor configuration link at the upper right menu.

Once at the Two Factor configuration page, there will be a checkbox to enable use of the SMS appliance. Click the “Save” button, and the wiki will show a textbox for the user's cell phone number. Enter the phone number to use and click “Save” again to send a test message to the phone. Last, enter the password sent to the phone into the verification textbox and clicking the “Save” button again. If needed, click on the “Resend Password” button to send another password to the phone.

The phone number can be updated, and the user will need to verify that the new number supplied can receive the sent passwords. The user can also check the “Revoke codes by SMS appliance” option and click “Save” to disable sending passwords to the phone.

User Login

The user logs in normally. If there is a field to supply a token, leave it blank to have the wiki send a one-time password. The user will be redirected to a screen to supply the sent password. Enter the password in the Verification Code field and click “Complete Login” to continue. If the password is not received within a minute or two, clicking on the “Resend Code” button will send a new password. If more than one module is configured to send passwords, the user can have the same password sent using all configured modules by checking the “Resend OTP using all configured options” checkbox then clicking on “Resend Code”.

Configuration and Settings

“enable” - Turn on or off the use of SMS Appliance for two factor authentication. Default: off

“url” - URL used to connect to the SMS appliance. “$phone” will be replaced with the phone number. “$msg” will be replaced with the message. Default: empty


There is no further development planned at this time, but it may change based on feedback.

Change Log

Known Bugs and Issues

  • There is no mechanism to confirm that the SMS message was sent. In my environment, this is not an issue, but it may be for someone else.

ToDo/Wish List

None at this time


WIP. I will pull discussion questions and post them here as blatant questions come up.

Big Thanks / Acknowledgement

First, I want to thank my employer, Antelope Valley College, for allowing me to release this code to the open source community.

A big thanks goes out to Dan Popp for the work on his Google 2FA pluginauthgoogle2fa Plugin- it provided me with the idea, libraries, and a code template to get this project started.


Feel free to write anything constructive. My hope is that this plugin will provide many admins with useful functionality.

plugin/twofactorsmsappliance.txt · Last modified: 2022-04-07 16:24 by andi

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