
It's better when it's simple

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STM Template

Compatible with DokuWiki

  • 2024-02-06 "Kaos" unknown
  • 2023-04-04 "Jack Jackrum" unknown
  • 2022-07-31 "Igor" yes
  • 2020-07-29 "Hogfather" unknown

template Another simple, clean and responsive theme for DokuWiki

Last updated on

Tagged with responsive, simple

Download and Install

Use the following URL to download this template:

Refer to template on how to install and use templates in Dokuwiki.

Customize colors

Colors can be modified by edit style.ini or template style settings, style dokuwiki with your favorite colour schemes. ;-)

Settings Describe
__text__ text color
__background__ background color of content
__border__ color of border line, which separate header and footer, also influence <hr> element
__border_underline__ underline for decorate border
__highlight__ highlight text, e.g. search snippets
__site_width width of site
__sidebar_percentage__ defined the width percentage of sidebar
__sidebar_max_width__ defined the max-width of sidebar
__sidebar_min_width__ defined the min-width of sidebar
__header_background__ background color of header
__header_text__ color of header text, e.g. sub title
__header_link__ header links text color
__header_linkHover__ defined the color when mouse over header links
__search_text__ text color of search input
__search_iconColor__ color of search icon
__search_iconHover__ defined the search icon's color when mouse over search bar
__search_input__ background color of search bar
__footer_background__ background color of footer
__footer_text__ text color of footer
__link__ color of external link
__link_hover defined the color when mouse over external link
__existing__ color of links to existing internal pages
__missing__ color of links to missing internal pages
__breadcrumb_background__ background color of breadcrumb item
__breadcrumb_text__ text color of breadcrumb item
__breadcrumb_hover__ defined the text color when mouse over breadcrumb item

Customize sidebar

Settings Describe
__sidebar_position__ possible value: “left” or “right”, left by default
__sidebar_title_order__ defined the sort order of sidebar title, 1 by default
__sidebar_toc_order__ defined the sort order of toc, 2 by default
__sidebar_page_order__ defined the sort order of sidebar page, 3 by default
__sidebar_breadcrumb_order__ defined the sort order of breadcrumb, 4 by default
__sidebar_title_display__ possible value: “block” or “none”, block by default
__sidebar_toc_display__ possible value: “block” or “none”, block by default. Or you can set maxtoclevel to 0 to disabled toc.
__sidebar_breadcrumb_display__ possible value: “block” or “none”, block by default

Sites using this Template

template/stm.txt · Last modified: 2023-01-24 02:47 by 2001:a61:1002:cec0:655c:7d38:eb45:bd94

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