
AmazonLight Plugin

Compatible with DokuWiki


plugin A drop-in replacement for the amazon plugin that does not use the product advertisement api

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This extension has not been updated in over 2 years. It may no longer be maintained or supported and may have compatibility issues.

Similar to amazon

Tagged with amazon, asin, isbn

This plugin embeds an image, title, Amazon link and optionally price for any given ASIN. This makes it a bit easier to create nicer looking links to books, games or other products.

This plugin is a simpler drop-in replacement for the now mostly defunct amazon plugin. It no longer relies on the Amazon Product Advertising API (which has been severely crippled over the years). Instead data is extracted from Amazon's banner server. This means there is less data available, but you no longer need to have an API key.


Install the plugin using the Plugin Manager and the download URL above, which points to latest version of the plugin. Refer to Plugins on how to install plugins manually.


The plugin integrates into the Configuration Manager. You can configure your Partner-IDs for the different countries and set some defaults for image sizes and if the price should be shown or not.


Usage is simple – just use the amazon tag providing an ASIN as shown below:


If you want to link to a national Amazon, use the following syntax to access the German, Japanese, British, French or Canadian Amazon site.


The default configuration options set in the config manager can be overridden by giving additional space separated keywords:

{{amazon>0142000280 price 50x70}}

The following keywords can be used:

widthxheight the size of the shown image(s)
noprice don't show product prices
price show product prices