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Graph Gear Plugin

Compatible with DokuWiki


plugin Visualize directed and undirected graphs in flash using Graphviz notation. Graphviz not required.

Last updated on

This extension is marked as obsoleted. Therefore it is hidden in the Extension Manager and the extension listing. Furthermore, it is candidate for removal.

This extension has not been updated in over 2 years. It may no longer be maintained or supported and may have compatibility issues.

Similar to drawio, graphviz, svgedit

Tagged with !obsolete, diagram, flash, graphviz, images, media

Flash is not available anymore in browsers.

This plugin uses the Graph Gear flash to display directed or undirected graphs using the popular Graphviz syntax. Images and Links can be attached to the nodes of the graph. An example of the plugin in use can be seen hereFIXME.

Download and Installation

Search and install the plugin using the Extension Manager. Refer to Plugins on how to install plugins manually.


Syntax and Usage


Graphs are defined by the <graphgear></graphgear> tags. The body contains the nodes and edges as explained below. The opening tag can contain optional comma separated parameters.

Complete Example:

<graphgear width=500,height=300,label="My first Graph">
  node1 [label="My first node", fillcolor="lightblue"]
  node2 [label="My second node"]
  node1 -> node2 [label="An edge from node1 to node2", fontcolor="red"]

The following parameters are supported:

Parameter Value Default Description
label any text A title for the graph
width a number 725 The width of the graph in pixels
height a number 400 The height of the graph in pixels
bgcolor a color ffffff (white) The background color of the whole canvas
linecolor a color cccccc (grey) The color of the edge lines
mode undirected or directed undirected Have the edges of the graph a direction?
viewmode explore or display explore In explore mode only the first node and it's children is shown initially, in display mode all nodes are shown. The latter is very CPU intensive


A node is defined by its name, optionally followed by a parameter list in square brackets.


node1 [label="My first node", fillcolor="lightblue"]

Only the following graphviz parameters are supported:

Parameter Value Default Description
label any text The node name A label, describing the node
fillcolor a color cccccc (grey) The background color of the node and its label
fontcolor a color 000000 (black) The color of the label text
url a link Clicking the label will open the given page, can be external or a wiki page
image a image The image will be shown inside the node bubble, can be external or internal
shape circle or box circle The shape of the node. Only circles and squares are supported. A few more graphviz shapes will be recognized as box


An edge is defined by giving two node names separated by a ->, optionally followed by a parameter list in square brackets.


node1 -> node2 [label="An edge from node1 to node2", fontcolor="red"]

Only the following graphviz parameters are supported:

Parameter Value Default Description
label any text A label, describing the edge
fontcolor a color 000000 (black) The color of the label text


All colors can be defined as HTML hex codes or as X11 Graphviz color names.
