Table of Contents

Starter Template Changes

Here are lists of important changes to the Starter template, so that template authors building their template on it, will find it easier to upgrade. (This will not list changes in the CSS, but mainly new files or changes in main.php or any specific functionality.)

Changes for Greebo and Hogfather

Changes for Elenor of Tsort and Frusterick Manners


Changes for Detritus

Changes for Hrun


Changes for Ponder Stibbons

Changes for Binky

Changes for Weatherwax

Changes for Adora Belle

Changes between RC and actual release

The sidebar function tpl_sidebar() was in the RC but was removed again from the actual release.

Changes for Angua

Change between version 2011-12-11 and 2011-11-20

In case you are upgrading from Rincewind to Angua, you can ignore this (as it's included in _mediamanager_fullscreen.css). But in case you already have upgraded your template between 2011-12-11 and 2011-11-20, the following small change fixes 2387:

Changes for Rincewind

this is not needed, but strongly encouraged, as it will be used for the coming new extension manager
this is to avoid confusion, because the _mediamanager.css from the default template fulfills a completely different purpose, i.e. it's for the style for the fullscreen manager, while this is for the popup