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Andi's Blog Posts on Patreon

The lead developer of DokuWiki gives a look behind the curtains, published as blog on Patreon:

Part VII

  • A Better Remote API
    Revamping Remote API: Modern Standards, Improved Usability, Enhanced Documentation (2024–01–07)

Part VI

  • Automatic Code Fixing
    Streamlined Code Updates: Adhering to PSR-12 and Modernizing DokuWiki's PHP Code (2023–09–03)
  • Gallery Plugin Revamped
    Overhauling the Gallery Plugin: New Code, Enhanced Design, and Updated Features (2023–08–23)
  • Infrastructure Work
    Streamlining Development: New Tools for Release Management, Plugin Scaffolding, and Upgrades (2023–04–12)
  • DNS post mortem
    Downtime Explained: How a Registrar Issue Led to DokuWiki's 24-Hour Outage and the Swift Recovery (2022–10–28)
  • Working with SVGs
    Enhancing DokuWiki with SVGs: New Features, Optimization Tips, and Developer Plugin Support (2021–11–30)

Part V

  • DokuWiki Developer Plugin
    Streamlining Extension Development: A New DokuWiki Developer Plugin for More Efficiency (2021–07–23)
  • Better Logging
    Enhancing DokuWiki: New Logging Features for Better Error Tracking and User Support (2020–12–03)
  • Running DokuWiki on Docker
    Better Setup: Combine DokuWiki with Docker without Integrating it into a Docker Container (2020–10–20)
  • Navigating DokuWiki
    Mastering Page Navigation: Exploring Alternatives to the Indexmenu Plugin (2020–09–24)
  • Infrastructure Updates
    System Overhaul: Server Upgrade, PHP 7 Transition, and new Forum Software  (2020–05–17)

Part IV

  • 2019 To Do List
    Setting Priorities for 2019: DokuWiki's Roadmap for Hotfixes, Refactoring, and Server Upgrades  (2019–01–02)
  • Wiki Patterns
    Optimizing Your Wiki: Patterns and Anti-Patterns for Successful Wiki Adoption (2018–12–07)
  • DokuWiki Downloader updated
    Speeding Up DokuWiki Installation: An Updated Downloader Script for Faster Deployments (2018–09–09)

Part III

  • Sentry Plugin
    Enhancing Error Tracking in DokuWiki: Introducing the Sentry Plugin for Seamless Debugging (2018–06–04)
  • DokuWiki Recovery Script
    Recovering Your DokuWiki: A New Tool for Troubleshooting and Restoring DokuWiki Access (2018–05–26)
  • Refactoring
    Keeping DokuWiki Alive: The Power of Incremental Refactoring Over Complete Rewrites (2018–05–08)
  • Search all the Plugins!
    Searching Smarter: A New Tool for Analyzing All DokuWiki Plugins at Once (2018–04–30)
  • Command Line Plugins
    From Web to Console: Enhancing DokuWiki with a New CLI Plugin Framework for More Powerful Development (2017–11–12)
  • Menus!
    Revolutionizing Plugin Integration: A New Menu System for Seamless DokuWiki Customization (2017–09–01)

Part II

  • Minimum Requirements
    Raising the Bar: DokuWiki's Upcoming PHP Requirement Shift and What It Means for You (2017–03–31)
  • Reviving GeSHi
    Breathing New Life into GeSHi: A Maintenance Update for a Crucial Syntax Highlighting Tool (2017–03–12)
  • Managing Plugin Versions
    Streamlining: Introducing the Plugin Version Fixer for Automatic Updates and Git Tagging (2017–03–10)
  • Just a thank-you note
    From Open Source to the BBC: A Heartwarming Thank You That Made My Day (2017–03–07)
  • Week in Review
    Fixing jQuery Incompatibilities, Enhancing Security, and Improving File Handling (2017–03–03)

Part I

  • Google Analytics Plugin
    Enhancing Google Analytics for DokuWiki: New Features for Deeper Insights and Better Tracking (2017–02–10)
  • CAPTCHA Woes
    Introducing SVG CAPTCHAs: Strengthening DokuWiki's Defense Against Automated Spam (2017–02–05)

See also

Scroll down to the bottom of the page and be patient… (at least in Germany/​Duesseldorf)
devel/patreonblog.txt · Last modified: 2024-09-01 22:01 by michaelsy

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