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Getting Involved

Welcome to the DokuWiki community.

This page is intended to help you find places where you can contribute to DokuWiki and get a warm fuzzy feeling for doing something wonderful.

The forum (and to a lesser extent the mailing list) is a good place to get assistance and find other people doing things you would like to contribute to. DokuWiki developers can also sometimes be found in the IRC channel.


The user manual is always in need of wiki gardening. Even if you only have used DokuWiki for a short time there is much to do.

  • Correct spelling mistakes
  • Translate pages to your local language
  • Make and add screenshots of features or plugins where appropriate
  • There are some documentation pages which mention that certain features are develonly (use the backlinks feature to find them). If these remarks are less recent than the most recent release, they are most probably no longer relevant. Check that and remove them and rewrite the affected paragraphs.
  • On some pages (especially plugins) there are comments. Most of them should be removed and merged into the documentation part of the pages.
  • Make sure recent development changes are documented and if not, document them or remind the developers who did the changes to document them.
  • Search for FIXME, try to fix them

Plugins & Templates

  • There are a lot of plugins which aren't marked as compatible with the current release of DokuWiki. Some are working perfectly, some are simply broken. Test the plugins and check if they work and if there are users complaining about problems. If the plugin works with the current release, mark it is compatible, otherwise open a bug report in the plugin's issue tracker or send the author an email when there is no issue tracker. If there is no response within some weeks, contact the mailing list or consider adopting the plugin.
  • There are a lot of plugins on the dokufreaks GitHub account which were originally developed by Esther Brunner, Michael Klier and Gina Häußge who are no longer actively developing these plugins. Some of them are very simple and just work, others could need a lot more love than those who are currently looking after them can give. If you like any of them, feel free to join the effort of maintaining and improving them.
  • There are some very old plugins that are no longer actively developed. Some of them are very simple and just work, others could need more love. You can contact the author for more information about the state of the plugin and then contribute to it or adopt it.

Spread The Word

Help building the community. Promote DokuWiki and invite other people to get involved.


We are always looking for more developers who help to fix bugs, clean up the code or implement new features. A large part of the development discussion happens in Github Issues, but also don't forget to subscribe to the mailing list.

  • Start with reading the getting started chapter of the development manual
  • Watch out for our initiate bug hunting weekends
  • Look at the currently open pull requests on GitHub — this is where the next changes are discussed and developed
  • Try to work on one of the tasks with the good first issue label in the bug tracker. Feel free to ask for further information or help.
  • Work on one of the ideas for new features
  • Don't be shy, talk to us—we don't bite

Graphic Designers

Our goal is not only to create great software but also to have it look nice. For that we need Photoshop/Gimp/Inkscape wizards with a keen eye for design. We often have requirements for custom icons or need help with making an interface work visually and usability wise. Larger tasks like completely redesigning a template are rare, but happen once in a while.

  • Introduce yourself to the mailinglist so we are aware that we can rely on your help
  • Check the Design category in our bug tracker
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