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Google Apps Script for exporting a selected cell range to Dokuwiki
This is a google apps script to convert google sheets table to dokuwiki text editor format. Create a google spreadsheet with two worksheets one named 'Table' and other named 'Dokuwiki'. Select the data in the sheet named table and run the script and you will get the required text code for the selected range in the 'Dokuwiki' Sheet. The user will also get an email with the required text file.
function onOpen() { var ss = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSpreadsheet(); options = [ {name:"GSheets2Dokuwiki", functionName:"GSheets2Dokuwiki"}, ]; ss.addMenu("Dokuwiki", options); } function GSheets2Dokuwiki() { ShowDialog(); // Script to convert/export the selected cells into Dokuwiki format var ss = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSpreadsheet(); ss.setActiveSheet(ss.getSheetByName('Table'), true); var activeSheet = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSheet(); var selected = activeSheet.getSelection(); var selectedrange = selected.getActiveRange(); //Logger.log('Active Range: ' + selectedrange.getA1Notation()); //Logger.log('Rows: ' + selectedrange.getNumRows()); //Logger.log('Columns: ' + selectedrange.getNumColumns()); var lastrow = selectedrange.getLastRow(); var lastcol = selectedrange.getLastColumn(); //Logger.log('LastRow: ' + selectedrange.getLastRow()); //Logger.log('LastColumn: ' + selectedrange.getLastColumn()); var rows=selectedrange.getNumRows(); var cols=selectedrange.getNumColumns(); var firstrow = lastrow - rows + 1; var firstcol = lastcol - cols + 1; //Logger.log('FirstRow: ' + firstrow); //Logger.log('FirstColumn: ' + firstcol); var wikiText=""; var attachments = []; for(thisRow = firstrow; thisRow<=lastrow; thisRow++) { for(thisCol = firstcol; thisCol<=lastcol; thisCol++) { var thisCell = activeSheet.getRange(thisRow, thisCol); var thisCellText = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSheet().getRange(thisRow, thisCol).getValue(); //if it's an empty cell then make it a space (to avoid merging cells) if (thisCell.isPartOfMerge() == false && thisCellText == "") { thisCellText = " "} else if (thisCellText != "") { //replace Dokuwiki syntax signs to NoWiki thisCellText = thisCellText.toString().replaceAll("*", "%%*%%"); thisCellText = thisCellText.toString().replaceAll("|", "%%|%%"); thisCellText = thisCellText.toString().replaceAll("^", "%%^%%"); //Convert the hyperlink of the cell & add the cell content as the hyperlink's name if (thisCell.getRichTextValue() != null) { var urlLink = thisCell.getRichTextValue().getLinkUrl(); if (urlLink != null){ thisCellText = " [[" + urlLink + "|" + thisCellText + "]] " } } //formatting if(thisCell.getFontWeight() == 'bold'){ thisCellText = "**" + thisCellText + "**"; } if(thisCell.getFontStyle() == 'italic') { thisCellText = "//" + thisCellText + "//"; } if(thisCell.getFontLine() == 'underline') { thisCellText = "__" + thisCellText + "__"; } if(thisCell.getFontLine() == 'line-through') { thisCellText = "<del>" + thisCellText + "</del>"; } // Color the text if not black if(thisCell.getFontColor() != '#000000') { var color = thisCell.getFontColor(); thisCellText = "<fc "+ color + ">" + thisCellText + "</fc>"; } // Color the background if not white if(thisCell.getBackground() != '#FFFFFF') { var bgcolor = thisCell.getBackground(); thisCellText = "<bg "+ bgcolor + ">" + thisCellText + "</bg>"; } //alignment if(thisCell.getHorizontalAlignment() == 'left') { thisCellText = thisCellText + " "; } if(thisCell.getHorizontalAlignment() == 'center') { thisCellText = " " + thisCellText + " "; } if(thisCell.getHorizontalAlignment() == 'right') { thisCellText = " " + thisCellText; } } //replace embedded newlines with backslashes thisCellText = thisCellText.toString().replaceAll(String.fromCharCode(10), "\\\\ "); //add this cell to wiki output string if (thisRow == firstrow ) { //heading row or colored cell wikiText = wikiText + "^" + thisCellText; } else { wikiText = wikiText + "|" + thisCellText; } } //end this row if (thisRow == firstrow ) { //heading row or colored cell wikiText = wikiText + "^" + String.fromCharCode(13);} else{ wikiText = wikiText + "|" + String.fromCharCode(13); } } var ss = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSpreadsheet(); ss.setActiveSheet(ss.getSheetByName('Dokuwiki'), true); ss.getRange('A1').setValue(wikiText); attachments.push({"fileName":SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSpreadsheet().getName()+".txt", "mimeType": "text/plain", "content": wikiText}); MailApp.sendEmail(Session.getActiveUser().getEmail(), "[GSheets2Dokuwiki] "+SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSpreadsheet().getName(), "Your converted Dokuwiki document is attached (converted from "+SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSpreadsheet().getUrl()+")"+ "\n\n\n", { "attachments": attachments }); CloseDialog(); } function ShowDialog() { var htmlOutput = HtmlService .createHtmlOutput() .setWidth(250) .setHeight(25); SpreadsheetApp.getUi().showModalDialog(htmlOutput,'Please wait till we convert the selected cells to Dokuwiki text format.'); } function CloseDialog() { var ui = SpreadsheetApp.getUi(); var html = HtmlService.createHtmlOutput("<script>;</script>"); SpreadsheetApp.getUi().showModalDialog(html,'Please copy text code from the Dokuwiki sheet. Thank you.'); }
google_sheets_macro.1641646984.txt.gz · Last modified: by sarabjeet