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AcMenu Plugin

Compatible with DokuWiki

  • 2024-02-06 "Kaos" yes
  • 2023-04-04 "Jack Jackrum" yes
  • 2022-07-31 "Igor" yes
  • 2020-07-29 "Hogfather" yes

plugin An accordion menu for namespaces and relative pages

Last updated on

Tagged with menu, navigation


AcMenu provides an accordion menu that lists the content of namespaces in a tree-like format.

The namespace tree is built starting from the namespace where the plugin syntax is placed and going through all the sub-namespaces but those containing a sidebar page.

This plugin respects the ACL rules besides the sneaky_index and hidepages options that come with your DokuWiki configuration.


Search and install ​the plugin using the Extension ​Manager. Refer to Plugin Installation Instructions on how to install plugins manually.


In the sidebar page, use the syntax:



Just some screenshots to give an overall idea of the final result.

It is supposed the following wiki structure which has two separate sidebars:

|  +--start.txt
|  +--product_a.txt
|  +--start.txt
|  +--service_a.txt
   |  +--start.txt
   |  +--confidential.txt
   |  +--start.txt
   |  +--product_b.txt

where the two sidebar.txt have the syntax, respectively:

  • in :sidebar.txt
  • in :branch:sidebar.txt
    [[..:start| Go Back]]

    where the Go Back link is made according to the namespaces criterion.

When a visitor is in :start.txt the plugin shows the complete namespace tree collapsed except the namespace containing the root sidebar.

If the visitor decides to open the sub-namespace :branch, the plugin shows only its sidebar.

To deny access to certain namespaces or pages, the appropriate rule in the ACL management must be set. In addition, it's possible to conceal those namespaces for which the visitor has no read permission defining the sneaky_index option in your Configuration Manager.

Furthermore, it's possible to hide the sidebar.txt and the start.txt pages1) using the hidepages option in your Configuration Manager:


The following image is the behavior of the AcMenu plugin in action.

Since this plugin uses cookies to remember the pages visited (they are automatically deleted as soon as the window browser is closed) if the visitor comes back to :start.txt every namespace untoggled will remain so.

The order in which the directory tree is presented is the following:

  • first, folders from 0-9A-Za-z
  • then, files from 0-9A-Za-z

This means that, if the option useheading is enabled, it's possible to force the order of files using a progressive numeration in the first heading of each file.

Note also that the startpage is intentionally always kept on top of its menu and it's never renamed with its first heading, in order to provide a visual reference for the navigation.


If doesn't exist yet, create a user-style CSS conf/userstyle.css and replace the plugin's CSS instructions as you please.

For instance, the list item markers can be changed with the following code:

.acmenu ul.idx li.closed {
    list-style-image: url(../lib/images/plus.gif);
.acmenu ul.idx {
    list-style-image: url(../lib/images/minus.gif);

It's also possible to change the DokuWiki's style only inside the plugin:

.dokuwiki .acmenu .aside a:visited {
background-color: none;
.dokuwiki .acmenu span.curid a {
background-color: silver;
color: black;

Use the Inspect Tool provided with your browser to test all the possible styles.


Symptom: AcMenu isn't keeping unfolded any previously opened namespace.

Possible solution: be sure that JavaScript and cookies are enabled in your browser, otherwise AcMenu forgets the previously namespaces untoggled whenever a page is loaded.

The explanation of the regular expression used in this example is the following:
  1. alternative matches must be separated by |
  2. to match a word at the end of a line the $ symbol must be used
  3. to be sure that the word to match is preceded by : or by any character . followed by : use (?<= )
With that syntax, the following pages will be hidden:
  • :sidebar
  • :namespace:sidebar
  • :namespace:start
Whereas the following one will remain visible:
  • :start
Even if the hidden pages are not listed among the search results, they will still be reachable by typing their exact path in the search bar (eg. sidebar or namespace:sidebar).
plugin/acmenu.txt · Last modified: by torpedo

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