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Socialite Plugin

Compatible with DokuWiki

  • 2024-02-06 "Kaos" unknown
  • 2023-04-04 "Jack Jackrum" unknown
  • 2022-07-31 "Igor" unknown
  • 2020-07-29 "Hogfather" yes

plugin Adds responsive lightweight social share buttons anywhere on page

Last updated on

Tagged with button, share, social

Lightweight Social Buttons Plugin

This plugin allows you to add fully configurable lightweight and responsive social share buttons to your wiki.


Search and install the plugin using the Extension Manager. Refer to Plugins on how to install plugins manually.


See the plugin in action here. The sample page shows all the styles available with the plugin.

To add the lightweight social share buttons just at the tag ~~socialite~~ anywhere in you page. From the Dokuwiki configuration page, you can select three visualization options (color(default), name, icon) and the list of social buttons do display.

Option Display: color. This option only uses css styles, so it is really lightweight:

Option Display: name. Displays the social share icon and name:

Option Display: icon. Displays a small button wit the social network icon:


The following syntax is available:

  • ~~socialite~~ uses the default display mode to print the default list of social buttons;
  • ~~socialite: social1 social2 socialn~~ uses the default display mode to print the defined social buttons;
  • ~~socialite:icon~~ prints buttons with icons of the default list of social buttons;
  • ~~socialite:name social1 social2 socialn~~ prints buttons with names of the the defined social buttons;


To add the lightweight social share buttons just at the tag ~~socialite~~ anywhere in you page. This minimal configuration will use the default settings.


You can also select which buttons to display and in which order. This example displays Facebook and Twitter buttons:

~~socialite: facebook twitter~~

Finally, you can define the display mode. This example displays buttons icons for Google+, Tumblr and Reddit:

~~socialite:icon googleplus tumblr reddit~~

Configuration and Settings

Default settings

You can define the socialite plugin default options in your Dokuwiki Configuration Page:

  1. networks This configuration setting allows you to select the default social network buttons to display and its sort order. Available networks are:
    twitter, facebook, googleplus, linkedin, pinterest, tumblr, reddit, taringa, stumbleupon, telegram, hackernews, xing, vk and email.
  2. display This configuration setting allows you to select the display mode. Available options are:
    • color (default) Displays the name of the social network with its background color. This option only uses css so it is really lightweight
    • name: Displays the icon and name of the social network
    • icon: Displays just the icon of the social network
  3. target: Link target: specifies where to open the social network page.
    Available options are:
    • _blank (default): Opens the linked document in a new window or tab
    • _self: Opens the linked document in the same frame as it was clicked
    • _parent: Opens the linked document in the parent frame
    • _top: Opens the linked document in the full body of the window
  4. twitter_user Twitter username of content author (don't include “@”), to share via @twitter_user.

Local settings

Optionally, it is possible to define locally the display mode and network list. This will always override the default settings. Use the syntax ~~socialite:[display_mode] [network …]~~ to define local settings.


Socialite plugin is hosted on

Change Log

Known Bugs and Issues

Check the Issue Tracker

ToDo/Wish List


  1. This plugin counts the number of shares? No. To count and displays the number of shares lots of external scripts are injected in your site, the page will be much heavier and will take longer to download and display. This plugin only calls the external social site if and when you click on the button.


Before reporting any issues (bugs or requests), please first take a look at the FAQ on plugin problems.

You can report any issues either on the Issue Tracker.

– Add your comments here —

Hi. When I use the ~~socialite:icon~~ option it doesn't display just the icon. It displays the same as ~~socialite:name~~ (i.e., both the name and the icon). If you check your own site, you'll see the problem is replicated there. — Carlos Pedraza 2019-04-15 14:23

Hi. I'm sorry but lsb sounds like <CENSORED> :-( Maybe to rename the plugin?— Aleksandr Selivanov 2015-08-27 11:07

Can you clarify what you mean? When I google “lsb”, nothing suspicious comes up. Is it language-specific and similar to the name for the UniversalEditButton? — Anika Henke 2015-09-05 14:37
Hi, Aleksandr Selivanov, Anika Henke, I decided to rename the plugin, just in case. Also I was not happy with the previous name. Thanks both! — Fernando Ribeiro 2015-09-13 17:58
Many thanks, Fernando! — Aleksandr Selivanov 2015-09-13 18:01

Hola! If you end up with this error: can't use method return value in write context, an easy fix is to edit lib\plugins\socialite\syntax\button.php file:

On line 132, edit

if ($this->getConf('twitter_user')) { $href .= "&via=" . rawurlencode($this->getConf('twitter_user')); } 

And, on line 165, edit

if ($this->getConf('delicious_provider')) { $href .= "&provider=" . rawurlencode($this->getConf('delicious_provider')); }

Why? Because “empty() needs to access value by reference (in order to check whether that reference points to something that exists), and PHP before 5.5 didn't support references to temporary values returned from functions. (Please, see more on StackOverflow.)”

Moises Jafet 2016-03-20 07:04

Thanks Moises Jafet, The error: can't use method return value in write context is now fixed!
Fernando Ribeiro 2016-10-16 17:19

Dear Aleksandr Selivanov, as some mobile browsers can have issues displaying *.ico files, please explore the possibility of using *.png files instead. Just my two cents ;-).

Moises Jafet 2016-03-20 10:24

Thanks, Moises. — Aleksandr Selivanov 2016-03-20 20:23

Why does not the new window open? (target=“_blank” or popup window) 2017-06-03

Ok, you asked for it, you got it: Now you have an option to select link target :-)
Fernando Ribeiro 2017-11-28 14:42
plugin/socialite.txt · Last modified: 2023-10-30 22:32 by Klap-in · Currently locked by:

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