Table of Contents
EBNF Plugin
Download and Installation
Search and install the plugin using the Extension Manager. Refer to Plugins on how to install plugins manually.
See also:
Syntax Example
<ebnf> "EBNF defined in itself" { syntax = [ title ] "{" { production } "}" [ comment ]. production = identifier "=" expression ( "." | ";" ) . expression = term { "|" term } . term = factor { factor } . factor = identifier | literal | "[" expression "]" | "(" expression ")" | "{" expression "}" . identifier = character { character } . title = literal . comment = literal . literal = "'" character { character } "'" | '"' character { character } '"' . }</ebnf>
- screenshot added (2023-09-28 00:54)
- new relase date (2023-09-28 00:43)
- relase date updated (2023-09-27 21:09)
- fixed PHP8 warnings (2023-09-27 21:08)
- Merge pull request #2 from ralf1070/master (2021-01-23 11:44)
- allow to enter special characters as html entities (2021-01-22 16:27)
- Merge pull request #1 from splitbrain-forks/php7-signature (2016-02-02 13:10)
- Adjust method signatures to match parent (2016-02-02 13:07)
- new plugin link (2015-02-16 09:03)
- date sync (2015-02-16 08:57)
plugin/ebnf.txt · Last modified: by tscherter