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Facebook Login Plugin

Compatible with DokuWiki

2010-11-07 2011-05-25 2012-01-25 2012-10-13

plugin Plugin to get authentication from Facebook

Last updated on
Admin, Action

This extension is marked as obsoleted. Therefore it is hidden in the Extension Manager and the extension listing. Furthermore, it is candidate for removal.

This extension has not been updated in over 2 years. It may no longer be maintained or supported and may have compatibility issues.

Similar to authfacebook

Tagged with !obsolete, authentication, facebook

Probably this is replaceable by authfacebook

Download and Installation

Note: Your webserver must have the php5-curl installed for this plugin to work.

Note: Facebook rejects this plugin authentication if $conf['baseurl'] is not set ( and auto-detection is not enough.

Note: You have to have an application ID and Secret string to connect your dokuwiki with Facebook. You can Create your Facebook application here

  1. Search and install the plugin using the Extension Manager. Refer to Plugins on how to install plugins manually.
  2. Click to Admin button, then Authentication using Facebook and then click on Install button. This will copy the authentication backend file lib/plugins/fblogin/file/facebook.class.php into inc/auth/ directory. FIXME WeatherWax release will not support backends in inc/auth, it needs Auth plugins
  3. Go to AdminConfiguration Settings and fill out the Fblogin Plugin Settings:
    • applicationID – Application ID obtained from Facebook
    • applicationSecret – Application Secret ID obtained from Facebook
    • superuser – Facebook user ID whom to grant global Superuser rights on your DokuWiki site - IMPORTANT – only the user with this Facebook user id will be able to administer your Dokuwiki after step 4. (TODO: get the list of superusers from your Facebook application managers)
  4. Switch the Authentication backend to “facebook” (AdminConfiguration Settings)
  • You might want to change also the showuseras configuration option (What to display when showing the user that last edited a page) to User's full name


does not work with weatherwax.. plz update this. thanks! — S.C. Yoo 2013/04/05 16:29

plugin/fblogin.txt · Last modified: by Aleksandr

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