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Jenkins Plugin

Compatible with DokuWiki

Frusterick Manners, Elenor of Tsort, Detritus, Hrun

plugin Display your jenkins jobs inside DokuWiki

Last updated on

This extension has not been updated in over 2 years. It may no longer be maintained or supported and may have compatibility issues.

Tagged with jenkins

DokuWiki-Jenkins allow you display Job status of a Jenkins server.


  • Display last build of a Job or a specific build
  • Display status of build
  • Display “weather” of the Job
  • Follow new Blue Ocean theme

In future versions, it will allow you to trigger a job from DokuWiki if possible…


Search and install the plugin using the Extension Manager. Refer to Plugins on how to install plugins manually.


No requirements needed.


Simply use the following syntax:

<jenkins job="JOB_NAME" />

If your job is in a folder, please use it as follow:

<jenkins job="FOLDER/JOB_NAME" />

By default, jenkins plugin display the last build of your job. If you want to display a specific build, you can by adding the build option:

<jenkins job="FOLDER/JOB_NAME" build="459"/>


{{}} FIXME

Configuration and Settings

You should configure DokuWiki-Jenkins in the Config Manager of DokuWiki:

  • jenkins.url: Put your Jenkins url here, without a slash ending. i.e.: "".
  • jenkins.user: Enter the ID of a Jenkins user, with the right to view any job..
  • jenkins.token: Set the corresponding Jenkins user token. You can find it in "http://JENKINS_URL/user/USER/configure", then click on Show API Token button.

Change Log

Known Bugs and Issues

Please report your issues or your ideas at an issue tracker.

plugin/jenkins.txt · Last modified: by Aleksandr

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