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Additional Plugins
The basic features of the struct plugin can be extended by installing additional plugins.
- Aggregate struct data into a Gantt chart
- A new one-click mechanism to manage the state of a page with struct
- New section-type to show struct wiki fields as actual sections of the page
- Adds another struct type group and allows you to insert dokuwiki users' groups into struct's tables
- A webhook endpoint for swarm checkins forwarded IFTTT into a struct table
- Generate odt files based on template file, filled with struct data
- Performs joins over struct schemas
- This plugin adds two another struct types: ComboLookup and NarrowingLookup
- This plugin enables struct <input> fields stretching when content doesn't fit in a container
- SQLite based application helping in managing nonconformities and customers complaints
- Struct table page aggregator with additional at parameter
- Color struct table rows using fields of Color type
- This plugin adds another struct type: GeoHash. It gives de posibility to easly mark a point on a map and save its coordinates in geohash format.
plugin/struct/plugins.1597969858.txt.gz · Last modified: 2020-08-21 02:30 by asere