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text (export / renderer plugin)

Compatible with DokuWiki


plugin Exports or Renders a page as plain text

Last updated on

This extension has not been updated in over 2 years. It may no longer be maintained or supported and may have compatibility issues.

Similar to plaintext

Tagged with export, search

Needed for bookcreator, odtsupport, searchtext

This plugin allows you to export a page to a plain text format usable as a simplistic document or to be used in further processing.



To export a single page add the following parameter to the page URL:


To get a copy of rendered text in PHP (i.e. from a button or some other plugin) use:

global $ID;
$ID = $id; //necessary for correct metadata handling 
$text = p_cached_output(wikiFN($id),'text');

Other plugins

The text renderer plugin was originally designed for use with the searchtext plugin, to provide both a basis for searching rendered text, and providing a rendered text snippet for displayed search result.

If you use other syntax plugins, their output may not appear correctly in the exported text unless:

  1. they specifically support the 'text' output format, or
  2. they support standard XHTML output and the text is suitable when stripped of its HTML markup


To add a button to your template to access this plugin's output, try adding the following in your template at the point you would like the button to appear.

<?php echo html_button('text',$ID,'t',array('do' => 'export_text'),'get','export this page as text'); ?>


  • 'text' will appear in the button, change as appropriate.
  • 'export this page as text' will appear as a tooltip when you hover over the button. change as appropriate.

If you are not using a dev version or are on the latest stable use this code instead:

<?php echo html_btn('text',$ID,'t',array('do' => 'export_text'),'get','export this page as text'); ?>

Or if you like pretty icon links rather than buttons:

<a href="<?php echo exportlink($ID, 'text')?>"><img src="<?php echo DOKU_BASE?>lib/images/fileicons/txt.png" alt="Text Export"></a>

MBCS problem

In the textsearch result page, there is some line like :

Warning: cannot yet handle MBCS in html_entity_decode()!
in /www/cyrille/lib/plugins/text/renderer.php on line 315

Is there somethine about utf8 or something like ?

Cyrille Giquello 2009/01/29 16:21

Ok, I've updated PHP from version 4.4.9 to 5.2.6 and the problem is solved.

Cyrille Giquello 2009/01/29 17:23

Since I don't want to lose searcheable content (when used with the Searchtext Plugin), I'd prefer to put the URL in if it contains additional information:

    function _getLinkTitle($title, $default, & $isImage, $id=NULL) {
        global $conf;
        $isImage = false;
        if ( is_null($title) ) {
            if ($conf['useheading'] && $id) {
                $heading = p_get_first_heading($id,true);
                if ($heading) {
                    return $heading;
            return $default;
        } else if ( is_string($title) ) {
		if (!is_null($default) && ($default != $title))
			return $default." ".$title;
			return $title;
        } else if ( is_array($title) ) {
		if (!is_null($default) && ($default != $title['title']))
			return $default." ".$title['title'];
			return $title['title'];

Wilfried Goesgens 2010/02/23 15:45

Setting the right mimetype

in function document_start()

        $metaheader['Content-Type'] = 'text/html; charset=utf-8';

should be replaced by

        $metaheader['Content-Type'] = 'text/plain; charset=utf-8';

Or else a browser will render it really awful. — Wilfried Goesgens 2010/02/23 15:45

Fixing warning while running in the indexer

you will get Warning: Illegal offset type in isset or empty in dokuwiki/inc/parserutils.php on line 318 since

 // function document_start()// calls p_set_metadata with an array; it actualy needs to be: 

instead of

plugin/text.1287669698.txt.gz · Last modified: 2010-10-21 16:01 by adrianlang

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