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quickjump Template

Compatible with DokuWiki


template These theme designed to be simple, usable, and customizable. It features a quick access drop-down menu


This is a theme with a customizable drop-down bar at the top of the page. The drop-down bar can serve as a table-of-contents, or as anything that you like. To make full use of the drop-down area, I highly recommend that you install the display_wiki_page plugin (written by Terence J Grant) before using this theme (

I also tried to provide decent typography and attractive no-nonsense styles to the theme.

Download and Install

First (optionally) download and install the display_wiki_page plugin (written by Terence J Grant) before using this theme (

Use the following URL to download this template:

Refer to template on how to install and use templates in Dokuwiki.

Sites using this Template

template/quickjump.1317388764.txt.gz · Last modified: 2011-09-30 15:19 by

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