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Starter Bootstrap Template

Compatible with DokuWiki

Ponder Stibbons, Adora Belle

template Bootstrap based DokuWiki template

Last updated on

This extension has not been updated in over 2 years. It may no longer be maintained or supported and may have compatibility issues.

Tagged with bootstrap, clean, drop-down, responsive, sidebar

Bootstrap DokuWiki template based on the starter template.

This template is designed to be responsive on all modern devices, accessible, and good looking. It aims to replace most of the default Dokuwiki styling with equivalents from available Bootstrap styles.

Created by Cameron Little for WWU ResTek.


  • Insert table toolbar button.
  • Viewing, editing, and detail pages styled with bootstrap.
  • Built in wiki structure (navigation) sidebar.
  • Supports dokuwiki sidebar page.
  • Collapsible table of contents.


This template is available for download on GitHub.


Install as you would a normal dokuwiki template, but if you want your Config page to be pretty, you'll need to do delete the ./lib/plugins/config/style.css file and move the core_files/admin.php file into your ./lib/plugins/config/ directory.

Sites using this Template

Bugs and feature request

Please submit issues on Github issue tracker, I'll get notified there.


Don't add new discussions, use Github please.

Other issues:

1) “Tools”, “User Tools”, “Site Tools” and “Search” are always in English and not using the language files.

2) Code in custom css files is unreadable and overall logic of the starter template seems to be spoiled.

Seykela 2013/05/09 21:20

I agree the css is terrible.

Language support has been mostly fixed. Can you provide more info on how to fix the sidebar issue?

Please submit issues on github, I'll get notified there.
Cameron 2013/11/08 13:36

How to make top menu?

I like this template, but I wonder topmenu (in top-line). How to make top menu layout? Please help me!

Again, please submit issues on github if you have any. I'll get an email notification for them, and I rarely check this page.
Cameron 2014 May 28 19:40
template/starterbootstrap.txt · Last modified: 2024-08-12 12:37 by michaelsy

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